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  • Oh, by the way, one last thing: I lied when I said there were more RPers: All the people who were still posting have posted in your sign up. Tell me, how's the sequel RP going, anyway?
    Afraid not. I said in the first one "I'm effectively splitting the timeline. Post in the new thread if you want me as GM, and the other if you want Lumpy. Or both, if you so desire."
    Y'know, it's too bad you deleted the old one, you could have looked and seen wether I'm right or not.
    I actually said people could post in the old one if they wanted, or even just not post in mine. And considering not one of your old RPs got past more than ten pages, I'd say it was mostly me. This is all your own fault. You the one who left for months. You are the one who deleted the old thread. Face it, you brought this upon yourself.
    I did make a new RP. Then you deleted the old one, which we need for reference. Considering that you were only GM for ten pages, and I for the remaining 180, I'd say that I let you be the GM. I was fully within my rights to simply not let you, I even told everybody to respect you even though you abandoned it. Oh, and I also don't really think I need you to recover it. I already asked a mod about it. Have fun with your RP that nobody will join.
    I'm not joining. Wouldn't be surprised if a few others decided not to as well. You deleted 191 pages of work. I'm afraid sorry doesn't cut it in this case.
    That's good too. Now how's about we bury the hatchet, you accept my friend request, then go create a new character for my RP? One last thing though, it'd be best if you didn't have a trainer, seeing as each gym battle takes a while, and as things stand, we have to have three people battle in gyms. You could be a coordinator, the contests tend to be pretty cool, and get interrupted by Team Rocket.
    Alright, I'll kill hm at some point. I like the one you have, but if you really want a new one, it depends, what things do you like outside of pokemon? Like, video games and anime and stuff? My user names are all form anime or video games.
    Sure, go ahead, post it in the start up. Might wanna swing by the discussion thread I made and take a gander at my rules. Can I keep Tyler, or you want to kill him off?
    You can rejoin as a player if you want, though. I can just make it so the new Tyler is a clone (It's been established that Team Zetta, a splinter group from team rocket, has cloning technology.)
    Yay! You should know, I took over HG/SS while you were gone, and it's quite the success. It now has almost 200 pages. If you want to take it back, better start reading.
    Also, Tyler's kidneys were stolen, so now he never leaves his jacuzzi, which Eliot also hangs out in.
    I appreciate your opinions,and your amazing creativity. You're easy to get along with,and I think you should come back. Honestly,even if you're on for a week,nobody will care. What I don't like,is how you're always being emo about how nobody likes you. Someday you'll come back.
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