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  • Yes, I can see that you like complicated, especially since you keep changing your avatar. Nice one. Although I prefer people to think that I'm perfectly normal, as opposed to someone special.
    Check out the HGSS thread, or Bulbanews. New CoroCoro scans kicked in today, and it confirms some stuff. Eusine is coming back (Yay!), and there are lots of rumors circulating about what the scans say. Some rumors are confirming a pokeathelon, some are confirming Red Gyrados, some rumors are saying that Mewtwo and the Lati@ are in.

    Yeah, good for you then! I hope things are looking up.
    So things are hopefully looking up? Good luck with a job, not much chance of one in this economy.

    I'm pretty good, I've gotta go to Tae Kwon Doe at 4:00, so my day today with the new scans and stuff is short. I dunno, nothing really new.
    Nice new avatar BTW. I noticed it 5 minutes ago, but I forgot to say anything.

    Yeah, houndour is awesome, and so is gible. I wish I had Platinum with all of it's new Sinnoh Dex Pokemon. What else is up?
    Yeah, shiny Abra isn't that different. I like shiny Alakazam though, it's worth it IMO. I'm actually going to see if I can make a competitive team that has a color scheme to it and see if they all match. I dunno.

    Yeah, there are some people who do that for their adventure. How far are you now?
    Well, yesterday, I caught a shiny abra! It's not the nature I wanted, but it's shiny! I'm going to try again today though, I got jipped last time. I got my Abra on the 25 pokemon, but the chain went until 33 (I forgot to use repel, so I ran into a wild pokemon. I was so pissed). How goes your adventure?
    Glad to help!

    One of my favorite routes because is route 206 (Cycling Road route below the road), so I went there and said that I would chain whatever showed up. I guess I'm chaining Geodude then, but I just want my shiny. Once I know I can get shinies, I'm going to hand-pick the ones I chain for. I tried Pichu, but I failed 7 in. I'm doing better now though!
    I think that Route 212 can only be entered through the Pastoria City side, try to travel through it through there too. And that app shows you the top 3 shinies you've chained the most of, not the top 3 with the best chaining chances. You can only get it once you have the Nat. Dex, just go to Pal Park when you have it.
    Did you fight off Team Galactic? There's a TG encounter in Celestic Town. I think you have to go to the middle of the town.
    I think that you're supposed to go to Veilstone city. They made that the 4th badge, Pastoria the 5th, and Hearthome the 3rd. Yeah, I've heard about a lot of changes too, minor ones that no one picks up on. I was looking at a map of victory road, and they made a minor change I was surprised about. Wish me luck, I'm trying to chain shinies!
    Trying to get through the pre-E4 grinding. It sucks really, I've got about 5 more levels. And I looked at bulbapedia, and the Platinum E4 is way easier. That got me kind of mad really.
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