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  • SHY! Yeah, that's the word ;-) But extremely shy. It took me ounces of courage, a smidgeon of boredom and the prospect of a TR episode to make that first post. And you were the first person to reply :) I was so grateful.
    I was scared of scary people! I was even scared of Rocketshippers! (Obviously I was scared of all Kasumi fans-- no wait! I promised to wait till tomorrow! :p)
    Oh man, I've lurked here and Serebii since '06 xD I have nostalgia of periods I didn't even post during!!

    Just about :p
    I stopped visiting Serebii pretty much as soon as I started posting here. It also coincided with the sudden exponential growth/sudden death of the Bmgf/Serebii Rocketshipping threads respectively, so I suspect that has something to do with it! xD But I used to lurk regularly. Some of the anime/shipping mods seemed decent enough. Admittedly there were a few I was glad to have never "met", but what can you expect from that place?

    Yeah... I'm gonna stay clean for the rest of today ;-) Which is about haalf an hour!
    Lol, someone threw me an idiotball xD

    I feel sorry for some of the Serebii mods actually. Some of them seem quite nice, but imagine moderating that place :rolleyes:

    Okay, I'm gonna be a bit more careful ;-) I just realised how rashly I've been acting today!!
    :rolleyes: I'm such an idiot! I posted my reply on my own page :p Anyway:

    I've read, like, all of his HoS threads xD And for someone who's only got a postcount of, what, 300? There a surprisingly huge number of his posts there (about 300 ;-)), LOL.

    I haven't been infracted, but I think it'd be kinda cool 8D Not that I'm trying to get infracted, but if it means I can poke Weedle and his friends a bit... well, I'll risk it!
    It doesn't help that Serebii himself... well, let's not go there ;-)

    I should keep my nose clean... but I get too many laughs out of it to stop now! xD
    What's nice is that Bmgf's fandom/fandumb make up is so much better than Serebii's. It makes me feel happy :cool:

    Well, that, and also I *cough*quitelikeannoyingselectmembers*cough* But um, shhh ;-)
    *bow* Thank you ;-) You are also a shining example!

    But seriously, what a stupid waste of time! I should have never bothered arguing :p
    I LOLed when I saw that it had been closed! xD Seriously, it was the arguing that Takeshi was a womanizer that got to me!
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