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  • Just set the DNS to whatever your IP address is and it should work. And I'm not going to lie to you; you're gonna get a communication error about half the time. :/

    If that happens, just close IR-GTS and restart it. If it still doesn't work after a few tries, let me know and I'll help you figure it out.
    Yeah. I was thinking about re-opening one on here as well as on PokéCommunity, but given my track record I'm not sure if I should. Especially on PokéCommunity; trading on there was not fun. Or it wouldn't have been fun, had any actual trading occurred... the people I dealt with on there were generally unreliable. Actually, I've been starting to see that recently on here too. I think I've only traded on Serebii a couple of times but I don't recall having any problems.

    Oh, and I sent you the rest of your Pokémon. If you need anything else, just let me know.
    Not sure about the partnership thing. I think it might just be easier to have my own shop. But thanks for the offer anyway.
    Sure thing. It's too bad you can't do it yourself, but at least now we don't have to worry about one of us coming online a minute after the other one left lol...
    Because he keeps losing his or leaving it at his friend's house. The last time he took it he was gone for like a week and I had to buy a new one.
    I dont know if I'll be able to trade today. My brother took my DSi charger AGAIN, and I don't have enough battery life left to transfer all the Pokémon and then trade them. Depending on how early he gets back and how late you're on, I might be able to do it later tonight but i cant make any promises.
    Depends on how many other people want to trade with me today lol. I'm working on them right now and I should be done pretty soon so I'll let you know.
    Yeah, sorry for not replying. Someone's giving away a shiny Shaymin and I wanted to get it before someone else did lol...
    Well I solved the little Diglett mystery. According to RoC, the Diglett was originally nicknamed and someone hacked it so it wasn't, but they forgot to put it in all caps. The sucky thing is that even though I know the original nickname and can restore it to its original condition, undoing someone else's hacking is hacking in itself and I'm sure there's some way to detect that.

    On the plus side, everything else checks out. :thumbup:
    Yeah, you can rename any of the ones I just gave you. Some of the older ones don't have your OT/ID because I used my own Pokémon as a base.

    And no, it was 25. There are six Pokémon to a row and I traded four rows plus one from the last row.
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