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  • Sorry for the late reply. D:

    Yeah, started school around two weeks ago. Taking 2 AP classes and an honors class, which is basically cutting into all my free time. No fun. :(

    BMGf isn't nearly as crazy as SPPf, so you'd probably get pretty bored here if you're used to Serebii. Nothing really catches your attention... it's more about finding a forum of interest and getting to know the other members. It's definitely a more relaxed atmosphere, which could get boring, but eh. Different strokes for different folks.
    I do recall PsiUmbreon... I thought he just retired. I don't really recall him doing anything crazy (if I remember correctly, he used to mod the Clubs or something). Huh. Did they choose a new mod already?

    Took a quick look at their new rules... don't see much of a change, 130 points is still a crapload of points to get perma-banned. I wonder if anyone actually climbs their way to that many points before the staff actually just goes and perma-bans them. :p

    Eh, I dunno. I just like helping out the forums a lot. It's a great community here, with a good staff and good members. But it isn't as if I'm the sharpest tool in the shed, either. :B
    Wooooah. Thanks for explaining it all to me.

    Not picking sides here, but hearing all that stuff about Joe was surprising. Can't imagine he would be bad enough to drive a staff member to go nuts like that. Legal action though... I doubt it. It'd probably be more trouble than it's worth--the damage is done, it's best to move on. It wouldn't be the first time Joe's been in this sort of predicament; I remember a few years back when the main website got hit by a virus that linked to some random porn sites. I wonder how far they plan on changing things with Misc., though. I can't see them changing it too much without killing it in the first place.

    And yep; a SMod now. Getting kicked out of SPPf was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. :p
    That's... Pretty bad, actually. Are they sure it was a hack, or did one of the staff members go nuts for some reason?
    All that hysteria over one guy? That's almost too hard to believe, especially if they actually had to go and close the forum down. Kind of sad, actually. :p
    You're not in any trouble, but I went ahead and removed the links just in case. They may have crossed the line a little, yeah.
    Oh yeah, that was his name. Does he still hang around there?

    Even though I'm not a fan of the guy, I gotta admit, that made me lol. I wonder how Joe is taking all this, he must be freaking pissed.

    Dattebayo is that one guy everyone likes to make fun of, right? What happened with him?
    I suppose. D:

    Yeah, I know him; actually had a few arguments with him just before I ended up getting banned. The dude was banned over here too within, like, ten minutes of his registration. This whole situation kind of reminds of that one guy who used to be on staff, started to troll a lot, got banned and started IP hopping before he and Joe made a deal and Joe agreed to let him stay. I totally forgot his name though; he was one of those guys that hung around in Misc.
    I'm not sure I could really do that unless I don't say it isn't me, just because of the fact I have to keep up the 'professionalism' since I'm staff here and all. It would be fun though.

    Are you serious? Who?
    The Random Messages thread in the Fun&Games forum is pretty much a hub for forum drama. As you saw, some members take that drama to pretty ridiculous stages. It's kind of funny and sad at the same time.

    Modship's pretty cool, it's definitely got its perks but it kinda sucks not being able to just mess around anymore. That's the one thing I miss from SPPf.
    ehh, you'll get used to it. :V you should've seem the earlier other skins, by god they looked terrible.
    I guess "brb" means "I'm gonna ditch you now, good night" in Whore. :disgust:

    (I just wanted an excuse to use that emoticon. It's bitchin'.)
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