Lord Clowncrete
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  • Arceus: You have no right to command me, foolish human. In fact, the pokemon by themselves should not be with humans!

    Adjutant Commander: Sir, it seems that Arceus has been brainwashed by a man named "N"! Apparently the person has attained mental powers through years of meditation!
    Adjutant commander: Sir! Our troops have been somehow manipulated by this buffoon, and they too have gone insane! They're shooting themselves with their pistols!
    Federal Doctor: Sir, it looks due to the shock of the bean bag shell, the poor fellow achieved unstable and rapid psionic powers! It would be wise to keep him inside a very, very safe place! His brain index is reaching over 7,000!!
    Sheesh...that's a bummer. :/ Maybe asking users on the list will help then? :eek:
    Sorry on the delayed response, I tend to be erratic in my response to various vms.
    Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to battle any time soon. I need time to work on a team and then test it. Furthermore, I have a lot of math homework, a math test next week, another short story due in a month (which really isn't much time for a short story), etc. etc. etc.
    The end of the semester is next month... then in January the next one starts :sweat:
    Plus, I need to work on RNGing a bunch of Pokemon for the HG game I'm going to restart, and then they have to be EV'd, etc. etc. etc.

    How am I even going to get all of this done... D:

    As for your other question, I have played quite a few! I especially like hidden object games on the PC, and I've played: many of the Kingdom Hearts games, Knights in the Nightmare, Persona 3 Portable, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (SOO GOOD T_T), Aveyond, Y's The Oath in Felghana, and I played just a tad bit of Disgea: Afternoon of Darkness. Most of the games I have played are computer games.
    Persona 3 Portable, Y's, Legend of Heroes, and Disgea are PSP games (love the PSP). Birth by Sleep is also PSP. Various other KH games are on different platforms.
    I don't think I'm forgetting anything...

    What about you? I highly doubt you've played any of the games I've mentioned, haha.
    Remember the power of the state will always be rested on the hands of the people within its nation! Not even the police shall stop us!

    Feh, I was getting communistic -.-
    Invisible mode? I don't think so. xD Let me check.

    Oh, good. One of my exams got postponed to December so there should be a lot of free time in between.
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