Lord Clowncrete
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  • Firing squad: Ready to fire, sir!

    Squad leader: All right. On the count of 3, fire. 3...2...1...FIRE!!


    Doctor: Sir, it seems as though our firing squad dispatched of him quickly. I can feel no heart beating....

    Adjutant Commander: What are we going to do with this guy once we found Giratina, though?

    Recon squad: Report, commander: We lost most of our units in a firefight with wild pokemon. However, we did gain some valuable information. First of all, the battlefield is a narrow ridge, wedged between two great mountains. The three pokemon lords: Giratina, mewtwo, and rayquaza has assembled there, along with pokemon of diverse elements. Their front is surrounded by an impenetrable wall of mana, called a psionic shield emanated by mew. Your orders?
    Adjutant commander: What will be your method of execution, sir? Death by hanging? Death by scalding? Death by electrocution? Death by stoning? Death by asphyxiation? Death by firing squad? All at your service sir-

    Pilot: Commander, our beta squadron on sector C is devastated! Shall we send reinforcements? They mentioned something about a gigantic demon, with horrifying eyes and gigantic wings...!

    Scientist: Ah, it must be the legendary pokemon Giratina. I have always wanted to study that pokemon. Commander, send me into the battlefield immediately!
    Nope. November is exams month so I was a bit busy. Excluding the whole mini-vacation with the postponed exam and all. ^^
    Adjutant commander: Source of energy, source of energy... found it! Sir, our energy tracker reads a sky high measurement on a faraway region called Sinnoh! It seems as if a malevolent presence had just broke out from its shell!
    Wait a second... now you're confusing me .-. What does defense have anything to do with it...?

    >( *unfriend*

    Recover's like the holy grail or something :p

    (Okay, I'ma sign-off for the night~ bed for me.)
    Okay, so Punishment is better. But why a Calm Mind user? Thanks ^^

    Gangster games are not my thing :/
    Gangster anything is not my thing.

    Why? Does it have the same surprise factor as Bibarel?
    Still need help transferring Heatran? I need the dex entry in both Gen IV and V, so I'd be happy to help you for no payment at all!
    A lot, Assassin's Creed, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Smash Bros, Mario Games, Fallout, etc.
    I think gen 4 has some of the best pokemon (ie. infernape, weavile), but I like how in each new generation I can transfer all my old pokemon
    I still like the original anime the best though
    And it's for that very reason that people are generally not prepared for it. I would like to know, what's your opinion on the moves Punishment and Wring Out?

    GTA? Is that Grand Theft Auto? If that's what you're talking about, well, I don't know much about it, but I'm really specific on the type of story that I like. A story like that doesn't interest me much.
    Bibarel is totally underrated. Swagger + Unaware is REALLY annoying.
    Bahaha, it's busy and yet, somehow, I make it seem like I'm doing nothing at all :p
    Well, I'm of the opinion that if you find a really good team, that even if the metagame changes you'll still be good. I particularly like out of the box teams that take people by surprise. The surprise factor can really net you some wins, especially if the person doesn't know how to adapt well. I've won battles because of the surprise factor.

    Yeah, none of those are up my alley, although my brother has the Dragonball Z game. I like heavy story oriented games. The more story, the better.
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