Faye Scarlet
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  • Oh hey, Lucas looks kinda cool like that. :D

    Yep, Chugga will convert even more haters into fans with his epic voice. :)

    No one's forcing them to buy the inevitable RS remakes. They still have HGSS after all. And FRLG. The fans of the incredibly underrated originals can buy the remakes and enjoy them.
    Sorry, OTL?

    Yeah, well Nintendo needs to keep working on that.

    Well, he already covered LeafGreen entirely in his FireRed LP, he likes giving underrated or "controversial" games positive attention, he has only done one non-Nintendo game and that was on the Wii regardless, and has done Crystal, and how many other games are really associated with green?

    Clearly those RS themed merchandise is to advertise his upcoming Hoenn LP!
    Okay, you don't have to explain.

    Yes, and makes The Imprisoned fights seem all the more threatening. But Groose is such a bro with those. :D

    I like the fact it took so many hits to go down. Don't like the bosses that go down far too easily and quickly (looking at you Gohma, King Dodongo, Kalle Demos, etc.)

    Also Ruby and Sapphire themed merchandise and Chugga saying the next game he plays "will be as green as Link's tunic".
    Yeah, bit of variety is what I like too. Plus he's hilarious! I love that in a villain (especially his antics before the second boss fight with him). Ganondorf is great though in his games though. Ah, I see. Are you a member at Zelda Universe too?

    Would have to say I love Zelda in this game too. So adorable~ In TP I thought she was underused, but I adore Midna so that makes up for it.

    The boss fight against Koloktos is even more fun than Stallord!
    Hmm, yeah, know what you mean with expensive computer parts.

    Yep, nice change from Ganondorf, for sure. Steve = Fi? In which case, yep she is nice, I like her comments, even though some people are calling her Captain Obvious I find her humourous. Btw, did you have trouble with the Beetle? It's been really awkward controlling that for me, as it won't respond to my movements...

    Oh wow, very nice indeed! :D
    Go for it!

    He's okay, but Chugga's better.

    "Zelda" and "amazing game" tend to be synonymous. :)

    What's your opinion on Lord "Debbie"? Good as Vaati, Veran, Majora, Ganon(dorf)?

    And btw, where did you find your awesome avatar? I'm hoping to find one of those for Brendan, May, Ethan, Red, Silver, Leaf, Blue, Kris and Lyra.
    You want to get into LPing? Nice! What games do you have in mind?

    I'm hoping he does an Emerald LP, he did FireRed and Crystal (HGSS) and since so many people watch him it might give the game a rep boost. Have you seen SuperSkarmory's Emerald LP?

    Also Skyward Sword is nearly out here. Should be fun. :D
    I like his sense of humour, isn't afraid to make jokes and stuff like that while LPing. His Wind Waker one was my fav, I love that game. :)

    Added you.
    Hey, I'm back. :)

    Yeah, lots of fun in those games. Have you seen Chuggaconroy's LPs of those two?

    Sorry, forgot about the address, I'll get right on it.
    Well, my parents insist that I should focus on school right now....and by "insist" I mean pretty much bar me completely from finding work at this time ("We'll let you know if we find anything" my foot). After all, it is my senior year...
    So, aside from the awesome RSE protagonists, any other Pokemon/Nintendo characters you really like?

    Say, do you have msn or something like that we could chat on?
    Well, it kinda bugs me since everyone around me on here seems to have a job. And half of those people are still in school of some kind or another. :/
    I can't find them anymore...

    Btw, do you know a really good banner artist? I'm in desperate need of one.
    Well, I had some sinus trouble over the weekend, but it seems I'm fine today.

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