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  • Ohhh fun. xD

    Ohhhhhhh, that's sweet Xiera! :D

    Dunno it might be me making her out to be a demon though. xD And anything with too much sugar that makes me hyper is usually a no no. xD

    Yessss. Gratz it's my nickname for you now. xD Ohhhhh seems like a possibility. And heck go for it. xD I won't stop ya. ^^ It'll be for you anyways. :)

    Why yesh. ^^

    Glad ya think so. ^^ What to breed next~? So many things to breed but I can't decide. xD

    Happy huh? :)
    You should join. <3 And hopefully it'll show up as first on this list.
    Hmm I'll just need yellow cloth then. :x Cause I have tons orange left.

    I have this feeling that someone's lying to themselves, and I'm sure if I searched our convo I can make a list. xDD

    My bestie doesn't let me have candy... xDD So she'd kill me if I had a energy drink!! xD

    Xiera the Temptress....suits you imo. XD And that reminds me of my graphic design shop in high school. We had a machine we called the Lucy that resized drawings/ images for us......which would be perfect for this situation.......too bad i'm not in highschool anymore. xD

    I can't really. .3. Considering the fact I don't drive still and he's my ride in the mornings to school, all I can do is complain when I have no net. xD And apparently my complaining is equivalent to that of my moms, which annoys him. xDD

    I'm not getting a decent female one. :/ but I did get these two guys today:

    Lickitung | Gender: Male | Nature: Relaxed | Ability: Cloud Nine | Eggmoves: Hammer Arm, Muddy Water | Ivs: 31/31/31/25/23/24

    Lillipup | Gender: Male | Nature: Adamant | Ability: Pickup | Eggmoves: Howl, Ice fang, Fire fang, Thunder fang | Ivs: 30/31/31/19/21/31

    And that's fantastic news!!! :D
    And I have a fanclub now. o.o
    I should...... @.@

    Really!? What happened to your list?? XD

    What gets me hyper is candy and coffee....so I dont wanna know what happens if I touch a energy drink....

    Soooo true.....O.O And also your a evil temptress I say! Dx

    Man doesn't like paying bills on time. ._. *shakes fist*

    Alright then! sounds good to me. And yes it is!!! :D Though I'm still breeding lickitung. .-.
    Hahaha. xD And In my case I've re-watched the series too much. xP

    It's nothing really. ^^ And that's great! I'll be sure to get the drawing done this weekend then! \o/

    I dunno but I blame the "o_o" you used. xD

    O.O!! Then I would really have to learn how to use my sewing machine. xDD And 2 ft IMO seems well a bit HUGE! O_O

    Hehehe ^^; And well turns out the library is just a 15 min walk away from my dads.....so on Monday I'll get my library card. And if I ever suffer net loss again I should be set. xDD

    Very.....And I think I'mma clone them again so I can have Ev'd versions of these guys. =w= Along with Mewtwo~♪ And I say like 15 steps fast.... @.@
    You've never seen the ducky? o.o And it happens when Miya is listening to when Matsu is telling Minato about the history of the Sekirei. =w=;;

    Bravemule - h345
    I found the whole thing for ya. ^.^

    I don't like the sound of that for some reason....o_o

    Yay! :DD And heck I've rewatched the series twice now.....and yeah it still confuses me. ._.;;

    Okay then, I get the picture. XDD And speaking of plooshie I need to stop being lazy and sew another scalemate... =w=;;

    Dead Erin seems purty accurate. =w=;; Cause after my morning classes I'm pretty much on the web all day since my Dad's Gf watches tv all day. =.=;; And purty much all afternoon yesterday I was in fetal position until I got knocked out and ended up taking a nap. xD And oddly enough my friend (the one you say I'll end up married to. >.>) used to call me Matsu the 2nd. xDD

    Nature: Brave
    Ability: Iron fist
    Ivs: 31/31/31/10/31/20

    Nature: Timid
    Ability: Levitate
    Ivs: 31/21/9/31/31/31

    ^ These two had better Ivs than I thought they would have.....o_o I'm kinda grateful I was around for these giveaways. And oh! I found out their Ivs with a Iv/Ev check Ar code. :3 Along with the Iv/Ev check code, and the quick hatch code I can get my breeding projects done quicker! :D Since I don't need the Iv guy and I don't need to upload the Poke onto Pokecheck anymore. =w=
    .... Not gunna happen! XD;; If I make anything Matsu related though it shall be her duck. :3

    Just cut out the whole pattern. xD And cut along the red lines for the stomach.

    Ouch..... D: You need your rest!

    Really? :O That's great!! :D

    Have you watched Tenchi Muyo before? o.o? And kinda the same thing here since SM is the first anime for my two besties so I guess I like being different. XD

    Heck my bestie's relationship troubles drove me nuts. >.> So I'm happy being drama free. =w=
    And nice to see your being honest with yourself Xiera. XDD It's the same for me but I'm not that plooshie oriented. XD

    *Hugs internet* Yeah......Q.Q I stayed a extra hour at school today just to use the internet to check if I had vms and whatnot. But thankfully now I have my internet back. <3
    Well I figured out that I wasn't holding down L long enough, but my cloning cheat works fine now. xD And your welcome. :3 Oh! Hydreigon's Timid, and Golurk's Brave. ^^
    Hmmmm true...... =w=;;; But if I make mine glasses I'm naming it Professor (Something). XD

    Evil Lady took it down. >:/ But I found a loophole!! :D
    Part 1: PunkRockerSeven's deviantART Gallery
    Part 2: PunkRockerSeven's deviantART Gallery
    Part 3: PunkRockerSeven's deviantART Gallery
    ^ This is just the pattern though. :< But maybe you can figure how to put it together I hope..... >.<;; And I'm willing to help as much as I can! :3

    I went to bed early last night as well, then this morning I went to lay down for a extra 5 mins and overslept again..... >.>;;;; And I got up at 8:20....and class was at 9. >.< Getting dressed in 10 mins ftw!! @.@;;;

    How's your progress on your project now? :3

    Tenchi Muyo! And between my 2 besties I'm the odd one that didn't have Sailor Moon as their first anime. XD;
    Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (OAV 1/1992) - Anime News Network

    Well I still hope you had a good day none the less~♪ And hell being drama free is wonderful isn't it~? XD;

    And I apologize for not being on yesterday afternoon, my house had no internet and we prob still won't have internet until later tonight. Q~Q Having no internet kills me really since there's nothing to do at my dad's house, and to top that off my Hw is primarily online.....FML..... >.> But in good news I tricked my Dad into taking me to the store and I got a AR. =w= Though the cheat i used to clone seems to works when it wants to. :| I think I'mma try asking my buddy RADIO for the cheats he uses to clone. =.=;;
    But I do have your Shiny Hydriegon, and Golurk~! :DD
    O.O Sweet.
    If you insist then. :3
    And even if I wanted to audino where to buy plooshie glasses! @_@;;;

    MS Paint Adventures
    ^ This is the webcomic were scalemates come from. ^^

    Yeah they were, they went down last night around 10pm my time. But hey thanks to that I went to bed early! xDD Buttttt I still overslept a extra 20 mins. =w=

    Well I get the vague idea. ^^ But that sound rough none the less. o.o;;

    Awww that's awesome! :DD My first anime was a harem series. XD;;;

    xDD Maybe for the next one? ;P

    And this may seem silly but I saw others doing so....so happy valentines day. =w= And I hope you have a fun day today~♪
    Xiera.....;~; My Humongo is being evillllllll >.< It won't let me upload the piccus! >:U

    Otherwise look at what I found. :O
    Scalemate Generator - Amateur Topologist
    ^ Makes me feel like I should make yours prettier, but at the same time I'll feel like I may kill it in the process. >.< On the other hand though yours needs a ridiculous name! :D
    Hmmm now I wonder. >.>;; But I'll get to bed early. Coz my friend's scolding me. XD;;;

    Period design? What's that exactly? :eek: And I can get why you were pushed out of your comfort zone, same happened to me during shop when they were teaching us how to draw people. :x

    XDD I see. :3

    Ohhhhh :eek: That your fave series?

    Hmmm I like the sound of Akai. =w= And otherwise I only have Humongo that's nicknamed. xD
    If put that way.......
    Yush yush she does. =.= And you do make a point. u.u

    Ohhh okay. :eek: And a whole kitchen......o_O!? Wow......do you have a theme? :x

    Ohhh okay. XD And maybe this time you can pick you can pick the Uggs. xDD

    MKR? :O

    XDDDD I get the idea. All my gadgets are red actually so I know exactly what you mean. XD;;
    O.O!! Yes ma'am!! *salutes* And yeah she does. >.>;;; She tells me to get to bed early almost on a daily basis. ^^; Which gives me a reason to call her mommy at times. :U Otherwise it's just on the weekends we have late night chats. ^^

    When is it due/ How much work do you have? D:
    Ohhhhh is it just 1 piece of furniture? :/

    Quite. X3 The brown ones did~? :eek:

    Mhm....@_@ Though regardless if in the next few years Sekirei doesn't get translated I think I'm gunna just buy it in japanese. Coz for me it's a must have! >.<

    Darnit! XD And why do all your gadgets have Dark in their name? =w=?
    Fiiiiine. I'll get to bed at 12 the latest. *has been going to bed at 2am...* ^^;;

    O.O What work?

    Really weird logic.... XD;;

    I don't have the Sekirei manga. ;~; Even if it ends up being in japanese that's one manga I really want. >.< Otherwise my collection spans 150+ manga. >w>;;

    DsDark was it? :eek: Well how long will repairs take?
    Same. @.@ Plus I hadn't eaten till I got home at 12. =w=;; And yesh yesh. @.@ I'll try.

    xDD Ouch. I don't want you to be strangled in your sleep at all. I'd prefer it if you lived. =w= And I took piccus of my bracelet and scarves which I'll try to upload when my ds is being nice. u.u

    xDDD Naughty. ;P And as long as they don't swipe my fave pjs I have no problems. =w= But when they swipe my fave stuff.....that's when they get in trouble. >.>;;

    =w=;; Turns out theres 2 new manga chapters. <3

    Hehe. ^^ Why of course. :D I've had her for years~♪
    I woke up at 8:20 today and I had class at 9.... >.< Thankfully I got dressed in 10 mins but still!! @.@ Today I go to bed early!!

    Aww that's gorgeous. 83 And I think my bracelet is 3 years old by now actually. XD;;

    XDD Same applies to me I just don't use most of my clothes~♪ Plus....my mom and sis swipe my clothes at times. ._.;;

    Def looks like it. :B

    Mhm she is. What really tortures me is that the manga takes months to come out too. >.<

    XDD I usually go with simple flower names. xP Ivy, Lillia, Fern, Etc.

    Really? He's awesome!!! OwO
    Well it does work. XDD And a majority of my clothes are dark too. ^^ But I do have some pinks, red, and other bright colors. :3 And actually my favorite accessory is this bracelet my bestie made for me. It's mainly green with 3 red beads, I never take it off really. :x

    Really? o_O Oh wow. XDDDD

    XDDDD That's a brilliant shirt! I love it! XD
    She still hasn't fought in the manga either. :x

    I understand the all caps thing. :x And ironically my friend's petilil is NN'd Hana. xDD And if your sure okay then. :3 I'll be sure to get to a store as soon as I can!

    I loved the bad apple laser show. That looked really sweet. :eek: And def looked fun. ^^
    XDD How odd. :3 But this means it was worth the monies no? :D And I think out of my whole collection I have only 2 pashminas. :3 A red and bloo one. =w=

    XDDD Wth? That sounds hilarious... XDD Yet kinda painful. ;P Coz I'd imagine lime would sting like a witch. =.=;;

    Very. >.>;; I swear that birds demonic. :x Or just a overly fussy girl. Coz she lets no one touch her. ._.;; The boys are nicer thankfully. :x

    M-m-miya!? O__O Oh dear arceus!! She'd be deadly!! >.< And that's coz the dark side has cookies. u.u

    Well I don't mind cloning my flawless grass types since they're not nicknamed. But shiny pokes like my Swablu (Kanaria), and Chandelure (Lucia) shall be kept for my personal use ofc. =w= And yeah no nickname bothers you right? :3 Oh and once I do get a AR your free to have a copy of w.e. I breed. ^^

    *has flashbacks of Imperishable Night* Damn you Eirin......Q~Q Damn yous! >.<
    O.O That video is sweet!! :D And you guys are lucky, nothing fun like that happens here. =.=;;
    XDD I think all the ones I've bought came from flea markets and they usually did a 2 for $10 kind of thing. :3
    Nyahahaha. XD It's okay~ Plus being weird beats being normal imo. =w=
    o_O!!! Owww..........that's.....crazy!!!

    XDDD And heck I think all birds are strange......one of my dad's birds....hisses like a snake. ._.;;;

    Chibis.......would be.....cute!! <3333

    OKAY!! :DD And I shall breed more merchandise today then! :D That is after I'm done ev-training my swablu and magikarp. .3. Oh and that does remind me!! I Have a bunch of shiny flawless grass types. =w=

    Probably.... :eek: But then again I'm used to the colors on her wings by now. XDD;;
    Piccu of all my scarves?? @.@ Well that may hafta wait till I'm back at my dad's later tonight. Coz all my scarves are there. =w= Otherwise only piccu I have on here is me with cat ears wearing one of my scarves. ._.;;
    Nyaaaa? XD You a kitty now? :3 And kay. ^^

    XDDD Silly bird. :"D I love gummy worms. :3 But I hate real worms.... >.>;;;

    Your good. =__=;; Very. :x Coz I'm tempted nows!!

    Yeah. ^^; And yush of course. :3 I just need to get to a store.... >.< And that's awesome. =w=

    :DD It's a song I never get sick of. XD;;
    Aw that's cute. ^^ For me it's my scarves. I have like 10 of them. @.@
    Main one?? o.o? All this is just making me curious ya know. >.<

    Worms are icky!! >.< And really a gummy worm? and not a normal worm? o_o

    XDDDD I would love that. :"D

    Well I am keeping them for now, but honestly they just take up box space. >.< I also have the event Hydriegon, and Golurk but audino bout those two...@.@ Coz I love shiny Golurk. Ohhh the ruins ones you mean? :eek:

    Bad apple is awesome. <33
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