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  • Algebra sucks. So does geometry... So, on another note, how's your fanfic?
    Good, except today I got a grade back in my math class and.... It could've been better. I hate math... -_-
    Oh no, you're stuck? I'm sure you'll do great, though! Your fanfic is awesome.;-)
    Ah, yeah. From what I've heard, Kanji is hard even for the Japanese. I'm impressed you can understand a lot of Kanji, though!
    You're learning Japanese!? Wow! Is it hard? I'm actually going to study Japanese next year for school. I'm a bit curious for how hard it is... XD
    I just have to figure out conversations spoken entirely in French and write down the translation... Have you studied a different language?
    Hello~! I'm procrastinating again. I should be working on some French stuff for school, but... It's hard.
    Yikes, that sounds really bad. I have an English project and a math project.... But it's such a pain. :drowsy:

    I procrastinate a lot, too. I hate to admit it, but my motto is "Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow".... I know, it's a horrible thinking logic. That I gotta change.:sweatlol:
    Sounds cool! I'll check yours out at some point today or tomorrow! And thanks for the link to it!

    I have a lot of schoolwork that I need to get done at some point... I swear, math is going to kill me.
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