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  • Yeeesss, we must! So many feels. I feel like Matt and Trey are entering round two of their midlife crises ;_;
    Thank you <33

    I can't believe an episode about Durant was announced xDDD SOMEONE IS TROLLING ME.
    My parents found and took my 3DS, so I can't RP anymore until I get it back. Which will not be for a while. So I won't be on for a while. If I'm gone for more than a week, tell the group I've gone on a sudden hiatus, alright? As for the story, a good excuse is that Fennel got really sick, so now she can't really go outside or anything. If necessary we'll say she wound up in the hospital. Just wanted to clear this up. This is the only site I could contact you on from school, so I had to. I apparently can't send private messages anyways because I'm a noob on here so I had to post it here, sorry. Thanks.

    What I meant was that if my partner and I are in at different times, we should be patient with each other*runs off to reword it exactly like that*
    It's basically Ancient Aliens in the pilgrims' day. I would have died if they included that dude in there. XD
    That's a shame. :( I mean, I didn't think they were the best, but still worth a watch. Especially the History Channel one because alien specials are the only thing my dad watches on there. xD
    Fuck yeah it is! xD Thanks for indirectly getting me back into the series when you brought up the mid-season finale on Skype way back when.
    Other way around, actually.

    And I'm not going to bother giving you the context of that scene because that would ruin the fun :p
    I saw this while browsing through last month's Pocket Monsters BW Good Parnters chapter and thought you might enjoy.
    I'm glad you like it!! I'm a bit insecure about my traditional art (the lack of a history/ctrl+z frightens me XD) and I was gonna use colored pencils, but that would have taken forever D:
    Then alternative punishment, like being banned from every section of Bulba other than Anime, shall be put in place ;P
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