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  • Well, Jaina isn't exactly the luckiest person in the warcraft universe. Let's see: Ex-lover turns undead, homeland destriyed by said ex-lover, father killed nearly destroying the semi-peace between the Alliance and Horde and just about everyone in the alliance being determined to ignore her and restart the war with the horde. I just hope it turns around in thebfuture.
    The skin that was used was the "World Beyond" skin. However, the banner has been changed back to what it was before.
    Most WC3 players say that finding a match is impossible because everyone only plays DotA. Most DotA players have never even played the campaign, let alone normal matches online and get WC3 + Frpzen Throne just to play dota. Among the 30 or so people in my college who play dota, only 2 know how to even play standard wc3 and I was the one who encouraged them to try and only one ended playing standard somewhat regularly.
    Well she's my all time favorite of any anime and game, but I also have favorites from different animes and games.
    Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 were my first video games. :D

    How about DotA? I know that lots of wc3 players hate dota and the other way roundbut I enjoy both.
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