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  • That makes it simpler. x3

    I'm also a little afraid about the flavor text in gerneal; considering Hetalia is a comedy more than anything, and I usually write depressing flavor text, it'll be a contrast. xP

    If Russia gets killed, I will be so angry. D:

    Again, thanks. :3
    Thank you. :)

    Also, has the anime/manga ever said what happens when a country dies? I want to be accurate for the flavor text. x3

    It's just that I care more about the Hetalia mafia, since so many people are excited for it. I'm afraid I'll completely screw up or not have the roles balanced or something. x.x
    I'll admit I wanted the mafia to win, so I was, too. x3 But honestly, I don't know how he thought posting a picture =/= nameclaiming. :c
    You did great in the PW mafia, especially for your first time. Really, you would have made it if NL didn't decide to pretty much nameclaim. x.x
    I was expecting an infraction like that for a long time.
    I had fun with that, too. ^^
    I absolutely failed at being mafia in that game. I got Zenax killed, got DrumBeats killed, etc.


    I see. :3

    I remember in TVM when you and HCL started posting again. x3 That was pretty funny although i got an infraction for it.
    If I don't use smilies, I'm usually serious. Exceptions being my not-so-often-used 'v.v;' or '^^;'.

    If I was angry at that comment, I wouldn't have just put ':mad:'. :lol:
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