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  • Maybe there would be more requirements to be a private school teacher since the tuition of one seems expensive.
    I don't think it takes that much to become a public teacher since I think in California, it's just getting a degree and getting a teaching credential.
    True. I wonder if private school teachers get paid more.
    Either that or maybe it would be better to become a tutor.
    It's interesting to see some doodles on papers when grading for teachers.
    I think the only reason why I don't want to be a teacher is because of having to attempt to read illegible handwriting.
    Sometimes, I think my mind goes other places.
    I noticed though that when I'm falling asleep in class, I start to scribble a little. Honestly, now I need to get more sleep to not fall asleep.
    Today, I spent about three hours, at school, doing nothing and I regretted not bringing my White 2 game with me.
    Oh. It sounds interesting.
    You know that I hate it when I unconsciously write something and I don't notice about it until I get marked off for it because I accidentally wrote "The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Darkness" instead of Denmark.
    For me, it really depends.
    I want to see one though. Maybe someday when I want to travel around the country and pay attention to other states' laws, so I know what I'm expecting.
    Oh. I'm not reading anything right now.
    Except I am reading Hamlet in class. Also, I don't think reading and taking notes counts.
    I did that too. It's easier to tell which page of the book you're on depending which side of the card you put facing the page you're on.
    Well, I'm not a man, so yeah...
    But wouldn't the piece of metal make an indentation inside the book?
    Unless it's a thin piece of metal.
    I like paper-thin bookmarks compared to thicker ones. xD
    I would do that or try to memorize the page number I'm on.
    I kind of use random scraps of paper to bookmark.
    I also like getting bookmarks with adorable pictures.
    Or falling apart.
    Like once, I had a book whose cover was falling apart. I lent it to someone and apparently, people were circulate-borrowing the book because I got my book back from someone I didn't give to borrow in the first place. Anyway, when I got the book back, I saw that the cover had fallen off and got taped back unevenly! Whoever taped it back did not line the cover up with the book. It still kind of bothers me, but it's a Twilight book and I'm not crazy about it like I once was.
    That's why when I'm borrowing someone's paperback, I try to take care of it because they're so easy to ruin!
    When I accidentally bend a cover, I try to crease it back into place which sometimes works.
    Every time I see a page's corner folded, I try to fold it back in place as well.
    Maybe that's why I don't like the idea of doggy-earing or writing in a book.
    Really? I think I need to apply for a new one since the one I have expired due to disuse. D:
    I kind of want to go buy some used books for environmental reasons and I don't really care about the quality of the book as long as it doesn't smell...
    I know what you mean.
    To be able to get more books and more room. That's the dream.
    That's why I love libraries!
    Books are free to borrow there.
    I wouldn't mind selling some of my old books.
    I like paper books too.
    The smell of a new book compared to an old book. Sometimes, I don't like reading smelly books.
    Technology can easily get outdated fast though. It's like finally getting a Kindle and then another Kindle comes out with interesting features that the one you bought doesn't have.
    Books can last a long time. It's like using a book that was used in the 70's; in present time. Paper books individually have their personal history.
    It's like the Where's George Dollar Project in which you just insert the password on the dollar to the site and then you can see how many days ago the dollar was where.
    I like Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 because some of the technology that they had in the book are similar to what we have now. Also, I like the symbols and allusions they had.
    It does kind of make me wonder if paper books will still be there in the distant future.
    Honestly, I wonder about a lot of things in life. Then, I Google for the answers or I just ask other people.
    Yes, it was.
    I need to read more books like November 22, 1963 by Stephen King, which is about, just in case, you don't know about a man who is a teacher, I think, who goes to the past five years before Kennedy's assasination to try to prevent it.
    It sounds really interesting.
    I should read more historical fiction books.
    I don't know if I can handle sci-fi. It would make me wonder about a lot of things.
    The book was good. Piggy was the most likable and rational character in the book. He had so much to live for.
    Jack was my least favorite character because his savageness creeped me out.
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