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  • No problem, I'm happy to help.
    I also see that you're not on right now... But what happened with your friend today?
    *Is nosey*
    Wow... That's a pity then...
    If nobody else but you knows, you should try to find someone else to talk with it about. That's probably one of the best long-term things I think you should.

    I'm sorry, but I really need to go to bed. It's late here and I have school tomorrow. Sorry if I couldn't be of more help. I sincerely hope that everything goes well for you and your friend.
    I can agree with you punching him I guess. It was only a reflex after all.
    Speaking of them, do they know about any of this? Sorry for making this all about him and not you...
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Punching him wasn't the best response IMO, but it's not a special case like everyone else seems to think.
    Nah, I'm not that good with advice or stuff. I just try to keep a level head.

    I can totally sympathesize with you punching him BTW. It might not have been the best move in all of history, but I don't see why you punching him has to be different just because he's gay. I doubt that anyone would have reacted like that if you had been a girl and he had been feeling you up.
    As long as he has an outlet right now. I could imagine what he's going through right now... Not a pretty picture...
    But bah, I'm probably depressing you.
    Hey--Lil noob?
    Im gonna go in a bit...but I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?'^

    Gotta Jet!!
    Well, I hope that this all goes over well for you and your friend.
    Does he go online for his problems and stuff? Assuming that he's a normal teenager, I would guess yes...
    Hey I hope everything goes well with your current predicament, I know its rough...
    I really wouldn't wait. Again, I don't know much about him, but this is the point where *slip* starts looking attractive... Though that's a worst-case scenario, and probably won't happen.

    If people are suspecting, he should probably just go out with it anyways. It's his choice though.
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