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  • I want to be the first to say what i'm about to say.

    I don't think they ever explicitly said that the homunculi had no soul in 2003, and I re-watched it recently. That's one possible explanation for what homunculi are, but it could be also that they have a distorted or wrong version of the soul. They do have memories of the humans they were supposed to replace, after all. That implies a soul.
    Well I'm still working my way through Brotherhood right now, but basically:

    -I don't like that they condensed what to me were two of the most emotional moments of the series, Nina's transformation/death and Hughes's death, to give them significantly less emotional impact. Meanwhile, they dwell too long on stupid things, like the Briggs arc (and the "point" they try to make about racism there infuriates me).
    -The OST is better and used far, far better in 2003 and as a music person that's a big thing for me.
    -I like the homunculus origins better in 2003, and I like that the homunculi/villains in general are more complex rather than being black-and-white evil. (And the general more "gray" sense of morality throughout the series.)
    -In general it just feels like 2003 was more cohesive and like the people behind it cared more about it. Overall, I can't find much to dislike about 2003, whereas while there are things I really like about Brotherhood there are also a lot of things I really, really dislike.
    I see. xD Either way, I've just seen way too many self-mill backfires. lol

    It'd be interesting...why did they even ban it anyway?
    Yeah, Card Trooper kinda flipped you the bird. XDDD Tuning is the only self-mill card I'll ever use, I think....unless Glow-Up Bulb gets unbanned. Which I bet won't happen. xD
    Made it to the semi-finals and lost. Had three Veilers (2 before siding), 3 MSTs, 2 Dust Tornadoes (after siding), Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, all of which would have helped a lot...and the only ones I got to use out of all three duels were one MST and one Dust Tornado. >___>

    I'm not too upset though. I mean, I did better than I ever expected.
    It was a draft of the blog, I didn't know it would go through and mention you guys as a draft, but it is up now ^^;
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