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  • I decided I'd keep W2 for that purpose myself. Oh and move tutors especially. xD And was it the temptation of playing in french that swayed you by chance? :p And speaking of which, since it had less things of value Y was restarted in spanish. xD And that they do!

    Seriously? I mean how do they let illegal abilities get through? One would figure it's a fundamental thing to look for. x) And until now? Is it cause of the hacked ones? Though will say 3 IVs are more likely than 6. I've always wanted one cause they're so huge and friendly, as for his mom though they have a hypoallergenic dog right now so I would still be able to get one in the future it just needs to not set off her allergies.
    BW2 is when I lost interest. I did beat my W2 though, like in 2 months which for me is an oddity. So I do have DreamRadar, just didn't really use it much at all. And to add to that I restarted my W2 ages ago. >.>;; The one I snagged is modest with 3 IVs, which tempts me to breed one with adaptability since all the ones I have in Black have download. Or else they may set their building on fire for all we know, fans can be scary. :eek:

    In that case I definitely don't blame you for being skeptical cause those hack checks are nothing but a joke. And mine are almost mirror opposites one has 31/31/31/x/x/x the other is x/x/31/31/31/x so all I ever need is a parent with a speed IV. :D And I've always wanted a Saint Bernard but my mom just laughs and goes "That's never happening", and to add to that my boyfriend's mom has a dog allergy so it's forever a dream. </3
    Ohh I used to, then I also traded on here as well. So I was an avid DW collector, until I realized how cramped my boxes became and in fact how useless some of the abilities are. Like Insomnia on a Delibird, it already has Vital Spirit as a normal ability, so I didn't need it and so on. And yeah I know! I got one off Wonder Trade, but Idk if I wanna breed it yet considering how hard genderless mons are to breed. xD And same here, heck I just hope the agitated fan base is enough "motivation" for Nintendo to release it asap. :p

    Well there are RNG'd ones from Gen V. Though again bank. Most I have myself are 2 Dittos with 3 IVs each. And breeding males of each egg group does seem 100x easier. xD And I've got a chihuahua.
    This is why I'm not trying so hard on them, I know I've got DW pokes like Porygon (my fave thing ever), Exeggcute, Lotad, Skitty, Smeargle, Raticate, Lickitung, Torkoal, Shellder, Feebas, and Mothim for some pokes I don't think are available yet. And honestly it seems like too huge of a favor to ask, but come the end of the month and still no sign of Pokebank I'll consider it. For now I'll focus on beating my Y. x)

    Oh not too shabby! I've got a 6 IV Male Meowstic, Azumarill, and Abomasnow. So I got Field, Water 1, Fairy, Monster, and Grass thanks to these guys. x) And awww pugs are adorable!
    Oooh not bad! :D And no sadly, I was going to come Pokebank, but then that flopped entirely. I mean, since I didn't have two systems I didn't want to burden anyone with holding my 20+ Pokemon for me. :/

    You seem to come across a lot of 6IV mons. xD And yes I do, along with a hamster. So 3 pets total. And same here, the blue is so cute! :')
    That's what I do so amen to that! Same with the releasing anything not 5IV. Oh yeah, how goes the french playthrough?

    Oh cool! I bet Misdreavus looks awesome! I snagged all the starters, cottonee, and buneary myself. :D The starters were for the heck of it, while cottonee is a fave of mine as is buneary (though I wanted one to name after my bunny Mocha). But yes it's still adorably fluffy!
    Same here. That's why I took a day to ev train. xD And oddly enough I never had a space issue with my PC, I release almost everything that doesn't have decent IVs. This is why I have no trade thread. </3

    You'd be the officer Jenny of wifi! Taking down trainers with your platoon of law abiding dogs! And Chimchar, I was breeding Buneary but I switched to Chimchar so I could help breed Pokemon for #WonderTradeWednesday which Bulbagarden hosts on twitter every week. So I figured I might as well finish what I started.
    I spent the other day just training up things to level 50 so I can actually use them, and now I'm back to breeding. x) And it's adorable! Seriously I liked Archeops, but now I think I love it. I don't doubt you will as well! :')
    Finally got around to EV training, and leveling up that Archen you gave me. Archeops is so adorable and derpy. <3
    Interesting combination... that just brings up more questions. So does that mean you are the more wholesome Willow wishing she was the bad girl?
    Hm... I guess I can let that pass this time since Faith kicks as much ass as Buffy and I always had a thing for Willow. xD
    Hmm.. I do prefer them not caught with a Masterball, so that's good, but other than that I don't have a preference. ^^' I like the look of Dusk Balls but really whatever's easiest is just fine. Thanks again!
    So I got bored and started looking at random peoples about me and came across yours. I saw your location and that got me wondering, the dirty blond with the piercing hazel eyes, the raven haired beauty with the blue eyes or the fire red haired temptress with the green eyes? xD
    Thanks so much for the greeting! :D Haha that is true, I'm aiming for a shiny so maybe the game will give me that as a present :)
    Well, ok since i'm a bit impatient on the shelgon, i'll just go ahead and give you larvesta for shelgon, and just trade something for sableye.
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