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  • *wince* Yeah, sorry. I'm in the drama department, and opening night was Tuesday. The entire last two weeks have been insane. Sorry to cause problems for yah.
    Good to hear bb boy. Plus really if it's still irritated, further irritating the injury won't do you any good. :p
    There's probably a broken blood vessel then. You know how you can have scabs, and usually it's not a good idea to touch them since they can bleed if you pick at them? This is similar, so stop it no matter how much it bothers you.
    I'd imagine you would have told her awhile back considering this is a first. x) But have you been working on your other calls then?
    Mom woke me up at 11 but I dozed off back to sleep. Though apparently she's across the street doing laundry, so I'm not sure if we'll still go to Walmart when she comes back. I'll tell you though. Otherwise I was sleeping a good portion of this day you speak of. :p
    In what sense? Her taking 1,000 pictures of herself, cracking my vault app, changing the wallpaper, or actually breaking it? Though really I trust her, considering it's the only device she can speak to her bf right now. :p
    Well she needed an alarm in the morning, so I let her use my iPod but I didn't think she'd take it with her.
    Hunny, I have no idea where my sister put my iPod. I think she may have took it with her in fact.
    It does have its uses when thinking about sterotypes and clichés, I've noticed. Hmm, interesting. I haven't seen that many academy style fics around here - I think yours is the most prominent
    nvm, I'm not gonna write Neil's coma, you can just have Jordan tell the club about the coma, I am too busy to write it
    I think you hit the nail on the head with the reason it failed in the West. It was just one of those wrong place, wrong time things. =/ I feel like if it were to be released for the first time here in today's market it'd be an instant hit.

    And awesome, I can't wait. You've got a great line up of RPers, it looks like, I'm excited to be a part of it. :)
    I can't help but think in tropes a lot when I write xD That's what hours of reading Tv Tropes when you can't sleep will do to you. I'm tempted to have a go at an Academy-style fic at some point -any words of wisdom you can offer as a veteran?
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