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  • It's not as action packed as the Chimera Ants xD what you saw with the Zodiacs is what you'll mostly get but that's still mega awesome in a different way, it proves this story can make a good arc out of anything xD
    Like I don't even care about how it ended, it's just how it was paced. I honestly would've prefered if like half of the season was the wedding and the other half was you know, the flash forwards that we rushed through in the finale, at least that would've made the pace a bit more balanced and would've allow us to understand the characters a little better.

    I'm sorry for the smi spoilers >_< I couldn't resist. And the manga started releasing new chapters actually, not enough for the anime to keep going though.
    Yeah I watched the whole 9th season week to week xD the season itself was great...the finale not so much, I mean it does make some sen when you think about it but the execution of it could've been a whooooole lot better, basically don't spend a whole season focusing on a specific event if the result of said events aren't even going to last for too long.

    And yeah the ending with Ging walking in was done pretty well, it gave me chills XD and don't worry, the bad news is that the anime'll probably end after the next arc, the good one is that the next arc is pretty freaking awesome, it isn't too long and it's not as convulated as the chimera ants but it's one filled with mental battles, plus Killua gets to take center stage and...let's just say some other protagonist we haven't seen in a while makes a grand entrance :p
    Time for the usual did youw atch the latest ep question? :p lots of new developments this episode.
    I don't mind it xD I don't really care about those types of things. That´s a long prologue right there xD well more like a lot of them.

    It was niice to see the world outside of the castle for a change xD but yeah the way the Chimera Ants arc ended was really interesting, it didn't end with some epic fight or anything right that, rather both sides suffered equal casualties and in the end neiher of them could completely overwhelm each other, instead the humans jus managed to complete their mission through luck really. Meruem was an interesting villain too. But anyways, a new stage will start in the next episode , the next arc is going to feature a lot of change :p
    Can you show me what you have so far? like if you write something that you don't think its good you can show it to me to check if it's coherent :eek: or something like that.
    You know there is such a thing as being too picky xD just write the whole thing and then fix things later, I mean what is it you're looking for in a paragraph anyway?
    Well at least you got down to writing xD that's more than what I've done in the last couple of days.
    I just think I'll be able to move faster into it if I read xD it tkaes me a month if I'm lucky to keep up with a 25 episode anime, much more if we're talking about two xD
    Really? so wait, does it have it's own world or is it actually inspired on China? And I think that maybe I'll read it xD I think that'll be faster, though the art's a bit rougher from what I'm used to.
    Oh I know, I've heard the same thing from like 3 people or so xD it's apparently a series that utilizes a lot of war strategy and action at its core right?
    Oh no, he's not going to get himself out of it xD at least not by his home. Getting Gon to recover is actually one of the two main plotlines that make up the next arc since he kind of wrecked his body completely.

    I know of the anime, it's intriguing but the manga is pretty long by now and the anime would take me a while to watch with both seasons having more than 25 eps xD
    Well in their defence while he fight was great in the manga the art was pretty shitty xD so I think they decided to go all out to make up for that. But yeah they made the episode crazy awesome I mean it had drama, it had action then it made me cry. Like I first I couldn't contain my excitement when the fight was finally about to begin and when it started it was just awesome. But then during the second half I realized that hxh had broken the boundaries again by making people see that, while seeing the main character beating the snot out of the villain is awesome to us, the character itself must be suffering, I kind of felt a bit bad for rooting on Gon's anguish and grief simply because it was an awesome battle....though I would've liked to see the upgraded versions of scissors and paper, he doesn't use those much. Also did you notice how both this fight and netero's ended in explosions xD

    Also it's fun how hxh deconstructed the "last minute power up that goes out of control" trope in shonen anime and pointed out the fact tha Gon wasted the only card they had that could defeat the king.
    I have tests coming up myself, they can be a bit troublesome but hopefully I can get them done without too much trouble xD

    Oh did you check out the last HxH ep?
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