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  • Great! ^^

    Thanks, she is awesome. Such a good cat. :)

    Yep, you should be able to see it in the CoroCoro thread. The scans leaked. x) I love it!

    Thanks, I thought it would be a good time. I've got to contain my excitement for Hoenn somehow, haha.
    A wedding? That's awesome! :D So your going to have a sister in law then? How's that feel?

    v That lack of faith she has in me. I'll prove her wrong! :mad: But really have you ever had like 100 games to play, but no time to sit and play them? I feel like that's a major problem with me. xD
    Crap now I remembered Uncharted :p I'm totally buying the PSVita version someday >:3, but there's SH Book of Memories too :bawl:
    Ya bet again! :p I wanna expand the fanbase of the game ^^ and since she likes RPGs and just bought a Vita I said wynaut? :p as far as I know she's enjoying the game, but I get the feeling she's gonna drop it really soon xD
    Same here, is there something besides ME4 and ORAS you're waiting?

    They're terible :<
    Ya bet! he really talks about it now (But ME's the best game in its heart!):p Talking about games, sonething that catched your fancy nowadays?

    No wonder will be your must-use in SSB :p, but I think the rest of the starters were pretty decent too.
    Seen m-swampert and m-sceptile? :(
    I move a lot, so I left it at my old house. I'm visiting there next week so I can check my team again after a year :D

    I was too young to go to the movies, I was probably like 3 when it came out xD

    That sucks ;(
    A lot of those seem to have gotten really good reviews, so that looks tough to decide which ones to play. XD

    Yeah, we have some string in our garage so sometimes if he's over I'll play with that with him! Though he usually doesn't stay too long and goes chasing off after something.

    That's interesting timing, since I'm finishing up SEED Destiny probably tonight! SEED is so good, it's definitely worth a rewatch. Who are your favorite characters in it?
    Hello Haruka! :) How have you been?

    Did you get your cat? ^_^ I actually have a cat now. My cousin had to move from her apartment and give up her cat, so I took it.

    How do you like May's new design? :3

    Edit: Nvm, just saw your album! Socks is adorable. Hope you enjoy him. ^^

    Mom and I went to a car show. It was a small one, but I took plenty of pictures. xD
    I think I could settle for a let's play if I'm bored really, so it's not all that bad I thinks. :D

    So tell me, what do you plan on doing this lovely summer?
    I plan on taking my time ehe. x) But thank you nonetheless.

    Hm, my sister is kind of difficult honestly. I rather not deal with her. We're like oil and water. And she plays with her boyfriend near daily I think, so I doubt I could sway her.
    Eheh, though this fear is a hindrance which really isn't good. :p So I'll work on it....eventually! x)

    Nope, my siblings are the ones who get all the big console games. So they have, my sister's a huge fan of the series actually.
    Hrm nope, if I'm honest I'm scared of cars. But I do have a permit that's going to expire come August. >:/

    Welp I never played GTA V so the comparison is lost on me sadly. But I'll guess it's pretty darn good then! :lol:
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