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  • Yeah, exactly! Sadly, we're like the few who actually are okay with it! To tell you the truth, I was never interested in Thor but now I might read the comic!
    Finally watched the Fault in Our Stars! It is gooooooooood! Kinda got ruined by this kid sat next to me who throughout the film would shout things like "Aww so cute!" or "I wish real guys were like that!" but other than that it was great. I saw it with my boyfriend and he shed a manly tear or two. I didn't cry, maybe a tear at the beginning because I knew how it ended, that and the book made me cry so hard that throughout the whole film I was like "NO I CANNOT CRY." but yeah, I'm glad I watched it. I really enjoyed it :D
    Why thanks! :D

    I'm not really a Marvel fan(but Deadpool is cool!!), so it doesn't really matter to me, either. I actually like the idea, dunno why everyone's angry! xD
    Haha awesome! :D I have yet to ask for a birthday present from my parents, my birthday was 3 days ago. xD Btw did you hear about Marvel changing Thor into a woman?
    I can get on really quickly. I haven't been playing X much as of late.
    Oh, sorry for the late response. >:

    My friend code is 2535-3830-0199. I'll add you as soon as I can.
    I hope it's really popular in the UK. Means it'll stay in cinemas longer. I swear when i go to comic-con, if the local cinema isn't showing it, I'd be super annoyed.
    Hi again! I'm going to take your word for it :D I'm hoping it's good. I don't get to see the movie for another month and a half because I live in a really small town that only has 1 cinema that only shows 2 films :/. gr. So I have to wait til I travel for Comic-con. After watching a lot of the interviews, I'm really looking forward to the movie.
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