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  • Oh I've been wanting to talk to you about that. I don't mind giving your friend a Ditto, but please don't advertise me in trade threads on here (like in this thread). I don't mind lending people a hand but there's days when I'm busy with class and I just can't. and there might be times where I don't have exactly what they want. So while it's a nice gesture that your wanting to help other users, I don't necessarily like having to do things I don't plan on my own. If that makes sense?
    Ahhh shit I got invited to a couple of feasts (tends to happen when you've fasted for a month) so I missed your earlier message. I am home with the Skarmory now though.

    It's not got Roost as an egg move, but I'll TM it on in place of Drill Peck
    Hey, looks like I've got to get stuff ready tonight. Skarmory may have to wait until tomorrow, but I'll try to get it done tonight.
    Saw your post in the friend safari thread. I sent you a request, my info is: 4828-6026-1794 name: Sirro
    I have a rock-type safari.
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