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  • True! What surprises me is that you moderate and run many RPGs with all that work.
    Yo, sorry I didn't reply. I didn't have any internet for a week, which sucked. Anyway, did you watch the newest ep, it was awesome, especially that ending.
    Well, yeah. They tended to be a bit neurotic when it came to doing work. Including doing more than they really needed to
    Well if they're anything like this I'll find a guide asap. :p

    Only on chapter 3. :I I haven't been watching/reading a lot lately, so I really have not made a dent in anything since the weekend. It's definitely something I'm going to keep reading, though.

    It was, ya. Though now it's 233. The arc is certainly picking up, that's for sure. I don't know if you've read it so I won't mention anything specific, but the mysterious of Al Thamen are being filled in very nicely.
    Mostly just feel bad. Honestly I've always been kinda lazy when it comes to studying, so I have to have a lot of discipline
    Haha many people I know don't like sushi :D We actualy had sushi yesterday for my brothers birthday too xD
    Oh that's easy. I just put the work aside and insincerely promise that I'll do it in an hours' time
    I've been hanging around, summer vacation is almost over which means back to the struggling engineer in-training life soon. (looking forward it)
    What have you been doing in the forum lately?
    Not in the right mood to write, in short. It's hard to write heartwarming when you're not in a heartwarming mood
    Will do~

    Do underground cities exist? I'd love to visit one.

    I'll definitely give them a try, though there are seven anime series that I'm currently watching so I'd like to try and finish some of them before I move on to anything else. Oddly enough, I have gotten back into Naruto and am now up to episode 100. It's not bad by any means, but I personally am not finding it "great".

    From a cooking manga, I wouldn't expect to get the same rush you do when reading a battle manga, but somehow the author was able to do it and I think that's really cool. The plot seems quite intriguing and I'm interesting in the plot, so it's something I'll definitely keep reading.

    Speaking of manga, have you read the latest Magi chapter? I just finished reading it, and it had me pondering for a good ten/twenty minutes.
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