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  • Nah that's my fault. I forgot I had a manaphy that would better suit what you want anyways so it was good you canceled out. I have a Naive English name Manaphy i'll give you instead.

    And yeah we can just do the others together
    I'll take them then.

    For shinies I would be interested in leafeon and torterra.

    And that's fine. We can trade whenever.
    Definitely interested in Jessie's Wobbuffet and the Mewoth. Mind telling me the date on the diancie and the event the darkrai and Jirachi are from? The Pokeball Vivillon too if it is from Gamescom or Europe.
    Yeah they are all for trade.

    Give me a list of things you have and we can work something out.
    I forgot to ask: where DO you live? From what I gather, it's not North america. (The land of fat people)
    Whoops, had a nap just then (damn vaccines). I'm idling for the next couple of hours. If I see you, I'll get in-game and trade.

    Good to hear about getting FIOS (it's called FTTx here, I've got FTTC myself).
    I'd wait until monday. I can barely type this message, my internet is so bad. it resets every month, though, so monday it should be fine.
    See? Editing is a wonderful thing, now you must move onto the mythical "stealth edit".

    If you can tell me in advance when you can get online that would be great, but otherwise I'll keep an eye out for you whenever I can idle.
    Damn, you caught me just I was going to bed. Don't worry about the spam comments (but please edit your messages next time). I have still have Amaura ready for you. I can't trade at this sort of time though, it would have to be a couple of hours earlier at least.

    Let me know what you can do.
    I bet he'll actually like that it's his language then. Well, thanks again, and I hope your buddy enjoys his hacked floating Psychic thingy.
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