Kakuna Matata
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  • Sadly I didn't get to play much of it xD I mean the game was borrowed of sorts and I played it like 6 years ago or something but it was really fun and I liked the gameplay.
    It seemed like you were the only one able to post in it (Me, Scarlet Sky, Zeb and a few others tried to post, but to no avail).

    That might be the cause of the issue, but we aren't sure (Since the Go Advanced thread wasn't working either).
    Hey Kakuna- Some people can't access the usual RM currently (As in, when they try to post, it says that they have to reload the page, and it's stuck on a blank screen for eternity), so there's going to be a temporary RM for the moment.

    It seems to be unaffected by forum status, because both non-mods and mods cannot post in the thread.
    That's great ^_^

    I think the "add significance to your number" is a good idea. It actually requires some thought to post, and I find the *clap* to be a bit simple, and it seems like it will be more fun to see what people post. Otherwise what's the reason to read the thread?

    Definitely need the ping-pong rule. Not only to increase difficulty and prevent spam, but it's not fun when you go up 10 every few minutes.
    The "new member" I was going to make 10 posts, same requirement to pm.

    So to summarize, the rules are

    1. No Ping-Ponging. This refers to two members posting directly after each other in a chain. At least two other members must post in between you.
    2. You must give your number some relevance.
    3. Follow all Forum Rules.
    4. Have fun!

    And in the intro I'd credit Mintaka, clarify what the goal is, and what a new member is.
    I know it was once around before because I've seen screenshots, but I assume it's archived now.

    Can I post a "Count to 100 before a new member or staff posts" thread? It's one of my favorite games on most forums and the mods are active here so it'll be harder.

    I understand if it's too close to Up or Down, or there were problems with it. Just wanted to suggest it.
    I only got to play Paper Mario 2 myself xD

    Yeah I think it's after college that they are assigned to their respective careers.

    I really want to see Chapter 4 and 5 excluding Morishige xD aww man... at least the Byakudan kids will help me through it xD

    Oh so good! I could really just ramble about al the things I like about his character, but I'd probably go over the character limit of 2,000 xD But seriously, he's just the best.

    (Haha xD For some reason I see Kisumi and Haruka as cousins, and Souske secretly liking Rin and Makoto at the same time... Yayay redemtion!
    Noooo no boos :c

    Well I just don't think it would've match as well xD cause like I really do think that they are only sent out into their respective jobss after they graduate from college, at least that's what I got from Akame's situation.
    Yeah, no, I cannot let any hope survive : p none at all.

    Well I assume it'll still spend time on it. Considering things I'd assume it's been years since season 1 by now since she was in high school at that time and I think people aren't sent into their careers until after college, so there's still some years of history there to explore xD

    Yeah, I originally thought it'd be more of a case of the week basis but it was nice to see that they were all connected from the start.
    See you're still constructing walls. I think you're a titan in disguise.
    You could say it's powerful in the anime or somefin (I don't pay attention to that), but in the games 70 base attack is quite low for a physically attacking Pokemon. It's uncommon for a fully evolved physical attacker to have lower than base 80, which definitely isn't powerful itself.
    I don't trust MAL >_< particularly cause I think they always just list the characters that could appear xD

    Kagari ;----; it's sad that they killed off two of my favorite characters and ended up making the other one a fugitive xD it's sad. Wait wait wait wait...holy shit I hadn't noticed that xD I just thought she was just another random character being introduced but now that I looked it up it really is that girl from the high school incident. That's kind of awesome, it's actually kind of funny how Psycho Pass had this sort of case of the week scenario but all the cases were connected and important to each other.
    I bought it, the class actually is worth 3 credits so idk..maybe I'll try taking it again?? I am glad I dropped it though because I feel like my work load is much easier to handle.
    !!! I actually got a ps4 last year, so I played the p.t. I just about crapped my pants a few times during it but hey~ THE GRAPHICS ARE CRAZZZZZZZZZYYY. I am hyped. And I know that none of the stuff from the demo necessarily has to do with silent hills but still. It gave me a SH4 vibe.
    I don't have much for my ps4, I have FFXIV, which I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (and need to renew my subscription).
    It's too bad that p much nothing is backwards compatible anymore ;-; because then you could just get a ps4 and play ps3 and ps4 games on it.

    I just don't know, like, will it even be localized?? And I never go to arcades or anything like that :/ AND WHAT WAS ALL OF THAT JAZZ WITH IRIS'S JAPANESE VA BEING THERE FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND STUFF???
    THE NEW ORAS TRAILER JUST MADE ME EVEN MORE HYPED OKAY. I'm kinda sad that it looks like character customization won't return in these though. Hopefully they'll continue it in the next game...(Z?? ;]) I think I'm going with Mudkip. But I'm getting both so I'm gonna go with Treecko in Ruby.

    Well, I've just been watching anime and reading manga~~WHICH NARUTO IS ENDING OKAY AND I AM GONNA CRY.
    My brother got married, but just legally. They are gonna have the ceremonies next year. ONE IN CHINA AND ONE HERE.
    My mom got a bf earlier in the summer and he lives with us now. He's okay.
    I'm just going to school and adapting :^)
    I am really excited for the holiday season, lots of stuff is coming outttt. HYRULE WARRIORS COMES OUT ON 26TH OF THIS MONTH BYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Well, that's better than nothing : P

    Well they did announce a movie after the second season finishes so I worry that they won't show Kogami and will feature him in the movie instead D: but yeah I think season 2 will be mostly about Akane and her own group, I was kind of interested in how much the group changed in the last two episodes xD
    And you don't get paid eithe rhuh?

    Yeah xD; thankfully it-s only the first few days of school so it shouldn't be too bad.

    Oooooh you know my theme, yay! xD yeah I just watched Psycho Pass recently and I loved it a lot, I just hope Kogami comes back in the new season ; o
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