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  • Thank you very much, really! I sent some pokémon that could be nice for breeding - I hope you don't have them already and that you enjoy them!:D
    Sorry, the message on the thread was blank at first and I just now got a chance to get online again. But I was on the game at the times you listed, so I'm not sure why you didn't show up on my game even though I've added your code. So, is there a time when we can plan to get on at the same time? I'm free most of the time, so whenever is good for you I can jump on at least long enough to do the trade.
    Sarah is your IGN right? And yeah I'm good to trade, I just need to hop online.
    Oh so I'm one hour ahead it seems (?) not 100% sure on that, but either way I'll be around!
    Well your Pokemon have been ready for a few days, Crow's just been busy so I apologize for that. But I'll get your Pokemon tomorrow afternoon and we can trade after I pick them up! (Cause Crow's been a busy bee lately, and I'm not sure if she can give them to you herself.)
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