Kakuna Matata
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  • Yeah, but I mean on a slanted roof like on a regular house. Unless people do that in America. xD You could be a cooking daredevil. Now that would be a first.
    Oh, my list would certainly be different if it was based off of uniforms!
    But also somewhat hard, because I like Flare's grunts' uniforms the most and of course their leader's and scientists' but the admins... oh god no! I actually like the fact the grunts don't have stupid gender differences where the females basically wear more exposing clothing (but that seems to be a trend in Japan, I just would like to see something more creative or they might as well just keep it the same). I also like the fact Team Plasma has the same clothes too.

    So I'd find it hard finding the team's clothes I like the most and the team's clothes I like the least as there's no middle with me xD
    Well maybe you should be. Make a name for yourself as the first person to primarily cook on rooftops.

    True. Still better than a couple of weeks though. xD
    Well considering my list of Pokemon Teams (main games) go like this:
    1) Flare
    2) Plasma (under N)
    3) Galactic
    4) Aqua
    5) Rocket
    6) Neo Plasma
    7) Neo Rocket
    8) Magma

    I think my list begs to differ with the majority of the Pokemon fandom :p But actually it may depends on how you view it, as I do really want to kick 5-8's ass because I don't like them... which means they'd be the best villians, if you know what I mean xD
    I know :3 I do quite like Team Aqua, 4th favourite team... And thanks :D! It does sadden me that so many people don't make 18... Weirdly I was born on Remembrance Sunday xD
    I actually quite hate Team Magma (which probably makes them the best villains to me because I can enjoy kicking their asses <3) but I love their old designs (I may grow to like the new designs)
    However I do quite like Tabitha, he made me laugh so damn much in the ORAS demo xD
    Or tongues, in some cases... *shivers*

    Or I could use the name I used for the Bellsprout I had in my Heartgold Nuzlocke before I gave it up (this fella). I'll keep Eros for later :p
    Given that its Mega Evolution gives it much more Special Attack than Attack, relying only on Hurricane & Heat Wave simply won't do.

    My Mewtwo is lvl 100, while the Bellsprouts were lvl 16. But Wrap doesn't care about levels, since it is still going to do 1/8 of your max HP as passive damage (in Gen VI, that is). But the Sleep status doesn't last as long anymore, so I can still heal myself / KO the Wrapper. =p

    Alas, it's a male one, so I can't really use these names :/
    I don't think the saying "no pain no gain" has been anymore fitting then it is right now. xD;

    Well hey, for all I know "iirc" could of stood for "I'm illustrating roof cooking". You just never know.

    Aaaaand I apologise for the somewhat late reply by the way.
    Sorry, school stole away my free time :p :)

    Well at least we're learning xD

    I never realized it was so talkative, I guess I thought the talking and emotional problems was so strong that it was "actiony" in it's own sorta way xD

    I think I might watch that soon :)

    Actually we spent most of the time studying, then we just did what we wanted when everything was covered xD Yeah! He was actually my Referrer.
    Haha card games are really easy once you try them :D I learned many card games from instructions and just playing randomly xD

    So something like: A Pokemon life or death tale with dieing pokemon and people and stuff / An AoT story about Levi just randomly cleaning anything he sees dirty? Anything gritty or violent just brings my mind back to Corpse Party xD
    ;-; I MISS YA. I heard that people might be getting ORAS sooner than expected??? Like, people on tum were just like "expect leaks to happen soon" so??? :O
    First, sorry for late reply. I am too busy preparing everything for my Kyogre Cake and Team Aqua cupcakes. :D

    It already comes in the Ipod/phone/pad configuration, no need to download, just add it and done, you have one more keyboard, I think it is neat (and you can also change your region, but I only recommend it if you are already fluent or at least decent in said language, like, I can only change to portuguese and english speaking regions, because those are the languages I know)

    Very sad indeed. This irks me a lot, my country has a thing for hiding the truth behind crimes containing homophobia if the victim is homosexual, some end up saying that it was a gay couple who argued and ended in death, last time it was that a male teenager committed suicide.
    That's why I prefer when I make a couple, then I'll try to make it as natural as possible (since people seem to guess that homosexual couples are very different from hetero ones). Sadly people like to take the easiest route to succes, and this lead to saturation (most of the time). I remember wanting to be an architect, but my oldest sister said that everyone wants to be it was already saturated, so I had to choose another thing (and sincerely, I thank her)

    French horn? It is that brass, round instrument right? Funny, because one of my options was a keyboard piano, instead of the piano I'm playing nowadays. Sometimes I forget USA have music classes in school.
    Last time they said "Wow, that's strange" and a "But this couple never met eachother, not even on AU." that time I was still a immature shipper, the kind that get jealous of another ship and start fan wars, at last I matured.

    Yeah. But me and my sister often argue about how must be their appearance, this happens quite a lot because we like to make gijinka.


    Oh My KM, after watching the trilogy of The Lord of The Rings and the two Hobbits (not in a row, I'm not THAT crazy) I think I got addicted, can't wait for the third movie (I never awaited for a movie like I'm doing now with Hobbit), but...I can't, the third movie of TLotR is so...so...Ho-yay! It even looks like Tolkien likes Sam/Frodo because they say the book has more ho-yay than the movie. I've decided I'm going to make a challenge to my friends (all otakus) to see who can watch the trilogy without thinking on yaoi, this is going to be funny.

    your friends are probably going to think I'm a crazy yaoi fangirl (I'm a bit)
    Oh man that's a lot of hours. Not a complaint, though! (If only I had more time ._.)

    OH YOU DID DID YOU? I did see that's on youtube, that full version but I figured I'd wait till the soundtrack was released. We'll see how long THAT lasts.

    This is also true. I still have yet to post it I should probably do that. I feel like most people will ignore it but YOU NEVER KNOW. I did befriend a fellow RWBY fan on Facebook a week or two ago (he doesn't live near me but ya know how that goes) and I did show him the clip and it got a couple of "YASSSSS"s from him. So there's that. I also feel a need to learn that dance sometime
    Awww, adorable!!! ^.^ But OMG YASSSSSSSS I WANT THAT. I plan on buying an amazon gift card and using it to purchase a couple video games (Fire Emblem Awakening and possibly some Kingdom Hearts game) so I’ll definitely add THAT to my list ermagherdness.

    omg that sounds awesome I have to hear it because OH MY WEISS xD hahahahahaa

    omg YASS! And the full version of Shine (aka the JNPR/everyone dance song) and the ones from the last episode and such

    Maybe I should. I bet if I posted that JNPR/EVERYONE dance video, that would convert a few people xD
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