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  • I suppose. Apparently there was scientists on board the the missing plane with evidence on aliens and the US government's holding back something. I believe we're not alone...

    Yep. That's why I woke up at 10, didn't go to kung fu and am lying in bed!
    Mouth is a gap, shuts it. "What are you? And when did aliens come? How many species of aliens are there?...I have a lot of questions, Alien Sanctus."

    So are mine - I walked for 7-8 hours (with breaks, of course) around a show ground area and my legs are killing me and I'm so tired!

    No, no that sounds perfect! I'm quite excited to do this PRP with you now! So tell me, what do you have in mind?
    YOUR A WHAT?! *Stares in amasement as the potato rolls of* Wait for me, I have some questions! *runs for the runaway potato*

    Ha, lol. You made my breathe minty! Now to do 5 laps while your friend cleans up! Go,go go!

    That's great!...question is, do you have any ideas for the PRP? 'Cause I've got nothing at the moment!
    Mauada's an alien? Nooooooo! Wait, what? Another alien race? Holy cow we're surrounded! Wait a do you know about all of this?

    Man recording awesome events is the best because you can always look back and have a laugh. He was?! How furious? Did you have to do extra laps or something?

    Say, why not do another RP? It'll be twice the fun.
    :O how did Masuada know of them? What but the aliens made graffiti saying we took the plane.

    Noice! And what were their reactions? Did you give one to your coach?
    Lol are you sure? XD How babyish is your baby face? :p Really? What's it like on Mars? I'm a dorrito on its way to the dorrito factory to protest about getting eaten! You could have done burrito king...
    Yes you are, gramps! :p They say the leo is the lion and the virgo is the virgin. Makes sense to me. (Looks at leo lion) Wait...are you a lion? Also nice puns with KFC and BK. No pokemon there for BK?
    Mine's on the 25th - I'm a virgo.

    Oh yes, definitely. You can tell your grandchildren/children and they will look up to you as a pranking legend and might try do a prank like you will/did.

    He was the kid that made me run to the toilets... I'll never forget him...just record it and set cameras and stuff if you can - that's something you would want to look back on and say ah the memories...
    Nah it just means I have to copy it down from my book and that's fine by me! Of my pokemon thank arceus the term's almost over just 3 more days!

    Woh really? You gotta tell me all about it and if it works!
    Not the actor loving apocalypse!

    We could choose whether to write an autobiography or a biography on someone famous so I chose to write about ME!!! Mostly because the teacher write an autobiography in the early weeks of the term so I can copy it down from my English book then write a memoir about something maybe when I became school captain? I don't know. Next week is the last week of school - woo! Only to Wednesday as well when we get to go home at 2:35pm (tues wed - 2:35pm, mon thurs fri 3:15pm), have mentoring, school pictures and it's april fools day!

    Actually the last one is an uh oh - last year in my friend's class, someone brought some chocolate and gave out to sime of the students. Turns out it had medicine in it that made you poop, so they were all sent to the nurse's office in pain and having to go. I think I know which medicine was in it - castor oil. Tastes horrible and within a couple of hours you HAVE to go. Gives you explosive diarrhea and stomach pains while you go.
    I don't know about the whole class. I mean, I will and I know some others will but then again they're are other biographies sich Jennifer Laurance, Theo James, Shaileen Woodley they're all being used - what has this acting world come to??? I think the loving actors apocalypse has started...
    They did but she's still doing it! Red alert, red alert Theo James presentation underway! I'm typing this at almost 1 in the am, but i'm alert and ready to "convince" her not to make a really bad decision.
    Ugh the specific girl that's in love of him like him so much, she's chosen to write a biography and memoir on him for an English assignment due on Friday! Can you believe this?!
    Dude what were you watching the whole time? What did you see when did you sleep when did you wake up???
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