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  • That's cool. Personally I don't ever have a "favorite" genre. I like to choose and play games based on their individual aspects, such as story, music, graphics, game mechanics, and in general how much fun I have playing them. So you could say I like some games from pretty much every genre. This applies to shows/anime as well. However, if I had to say the one genre I spend the most time playing, it would be RPGs.
    Mhm. I wish Sony would make the PS4 backwards compatible.

    I should haha.
    When's the next Eurocup btw, I am lost in time qwq

    Oh no I mean in general xD Have you heard of the news about this paraguayan referee Carlos Amarilla? Such a shame for our country sigh Though that was a voiced secret here, he costed my team the cup once. I have a grudge against him since there.

    IT'S THE DAY husg tightly >:O We should win!!!
    I think so too, Peru just got kinda lucky with Bolivia as rival, tho they weren't a bad team either. Well you know who I am cheering on -w-)/
    Japan is definitely the favorite imo! Such a shame Canada lost against UK, being them the hosts and all. It got more intense in the end.

    Do you keep in touch with soccer news?
    Wow looks like you are a big Sony fan haha! What games do you have?
    And yeah, unfortunately. I'd rather not buy a PS4 until they officially stop making games for PS3 though. Since the PS3 has been working fine for me and I don't want to give it up until I have to (also, cuz money).

    Yes, Assassin's Creed is so awesome! I haven't played Uncharted yet though :/
    Yay lemme know if you like it c:

    The last instances, oh Lord I was rooting so hard for Colombia, fail.. score.. fail.. and so on >o< Thought yeah Argentina deserved it.

    Thanks c: Oh Lord I was so nervous.. This cup is gonna give me a heart attack! Both Argentina and Paraguay won by penalties so it's kinda tied. Now I can't wait for tuesday! What about the other two? Have some commentaries? o:
    And I was watching the Women Cup too, jeez it's been so long since I watched football matches this excited!
    I am outta credit now .w. Well I don't like to see vids of the game since I can get spoiled >o<
    For real??? Wow xO

    It's available for psp too afair :eek: I am not sure if you crack the games but I am not gonna ask xD

    OH LORD I AM WATCHING ARGENTINA COLOMBIA.. Ospina is really good owo!! He saved its team twice is less than 5 seconds!
    Aw c:

    Ohh like Hysteria Project! Imma look for it right now! I hope it isn't expensive >.<
    Well the games are mostly for kids so I don't think they will think kids want to replay the game for diferent endings :/ I honeslty have mixed feelings about this, for a part I'd love to replay the game and get several endings and routews but for the other part everthing resets like battles and records, just like items.

    We don't even have basketball aired here .w.
    I did and yeah >.> They play really good. You are betting high pal! xD
    Are you saying we make a good match? >w> jk But ya bet! I can learn to be a bit more calm from you -w-

    Commands? Sounds interesting! So if it kinda like a Visual Novel you got me. I am taking you played it? ^^

    Aw :c So what sports does the channel air? Football and basketball?
    My, Stewie xD We are black and White there, I get bored of things way too easily .w.

    Oh you read about it? ^^ Well we kinda Have Heavy Rain for the PS3 so..
    I admit it's more tensioning :eek: I mean you don't have a good perspective of your surroundings, my sister hates them because she is scared of being attacked and killed from behind xD
    I will :3
    The violence level in that game.. xD Games like that and Manhunt are something. Have you played some of them? (Batman I mean)

    Np :3
    Zork? o.o Rings a bell but I am not sure, what is it about? :eek:

    Ya bet ^^ Have you been watching the female cup as well?
    I hope it is good .w. Oh are you of the ones who prefer the routine? Imma take you outta that xD
    Thanks~ c: Time to pray and believe!

    Lemme know ^^ I put my quality stamp on it~
    Ohh I get your tastes o/ Deus Ex is an amazing saga!
    You got me interested, I love totake the endings outta my performance. Have you played the Punisher btw?

    They are like Visual Novels (if you know them). So basically the book isn't in order of events so you have to read the book depending on your choices. For example the story is told and all and at the end of a page you encounter this:
    At the end of the avenue a lone man waves at you and asks you to come with him:
    -If you will follow him skip to page 7
    -if you decide to ignore him and keep continue your road skip to page 10.
    And so on, I hope my explanation was decent .w.;;

    Thanks c:
    Sorry I forgot to write that but yeah I pick Paraguay >:D For my country! Let's see who picks the winner :p
    It's okay ^^ I hope it was something good. Was it right? .w. I mean is it a better provider?
    Ahaha why? xD I can't get mad at something like that. But now that things are sorted we will have to beat Brazil first. I hope we can win >o<

    I did ^^)/ It was one of my favorite games, so many diferent endings! A clear reminiscence of Fahrenheit, also called Indigo Prophcy (Do you know that one? It came for ps2 ^^). In games like Silent Hill and Bioshock the ending depends on your choices, it's something I utterly love of games. Do you know other games like that? c:
    Noire! I couldn't play it but I heard good things about it. How is it similar? You perked my interest xD

    Or maybe I can take a course? xD I can work on that too.

    Yeah ^^
    I know .--. I was checking at some notes now and almost fell alseep.
    Economic eh? ^^; You really like it. Have you ever tried Choose your own adventure books?

    It rings a bell >.<
    Well as I said we have to beat Brazil first :p Look forwad to saturday~
    Ah cool, so you have a PS3 too! Same here, lately I've been focusing on playing games other than pokemon, especially PS3 games since for the past few months I had only been playing on my 3DS.

    Yeah there's just so much to do in Pokemon. There's something for everyone, whether you like breeding, contests, competitive wifi battles, nuzlockes, dressing up, shiny collecting, shooting PR videos, trying to beat the battle facilities, secret bases, etc. It's one of the few games that's actually worth it's cost in my opinion.
    Oh I know xD But if there's not much money it hurts. I remember the time where I was dying to play Heavy Rain (ps3 exclusive) or Alan Wake (Xbox 360 exclusive for a long time before getting a pc release). It was like if I buy one I won't be able to play the other one. Damn Heavy Rain one was hella amazing game, I miss games like that.

    I lost contact with the guy unfortunately :c But Imma ask for help anyways xD
    You know about pc parts? :eek: Wow that's amazing~
    Aren't laptops way more hard tho? I mean it's mostly for the motherboard?

    Thanks ^^)/
    I was told my problem were my teachers, they really didn't show interesting in learning so I didn't give much damn about them. Guess the blame isn't always on the students. But eh, people will always think that xD
    As in dates? Yas bet xDxDD I mix them a lot. As for favorite subject I loved Arts and P.E. You didn't have to think anything ehe. But yes I like litereature ^^ Do you read a lot of books?

    Something like that was approved a while ago here too. :eek:
    Which was your fav team again? (football).
    Oh they must be good :3
    2004 right? My memory is foggy
    I can't remember xD Sorry >o>
    Cool, would you be up for a battle some time?

    Everyone on here loves Pokemon xD What do you like most about the games and franchise?
    Feel ya ;--; exclusives suck..
    Feel ya again D: I agree the quality can get better than consoles but you get to spend waaaaaay more. And also some people make the pcs themselves, that must be hella amazing! I mean I know a bit of pc parts and such but I had a friend who bought the pieces and built it himself O:(well not from zero ofc xD) I used to visit him and see how he did it, I should have asked him to teach me..
    Do you think I should? :p

    Love math... bows Master..! o.o Teach me maths! (jk) I have to pass psysics and math exams to be admitted. Honestly it's what really worries me.
    Let's go to Australia Stewie~~~ Australia owo )/

    Most football teams (the sucessful ones) barely have a player from their country. o:
    For real? That's great ^^ Gotta check a few when I have time. I should watcht the sport channels more xD I wonder if they air European basketball here.
    Ohh the Lakers! I know of them, but I don't have enough knowledge to talk about them. Most I know basketball is this group of players who make tours and stuff. xD
    If you want to watch you are free to owo The All Blacks are New Zeland rugby team ye ^^ And they are pretty amazing!

    I can't wait xD
    Well it has it's good years now, so yeah.. And I never had it xD; I am kinda sad but well.. Imma play those games some time, the good thing is a good amount of games are available for pc too. Oh I know that one, have you played them? c:

    Economics? O: My sister studies that in high school and I honeslty wouldn't want to .w. You gotta be really accurate with numbers. Why did you study economics? I hope you like it ^^
    I am the kind of person who has it hard to concentrate, I am not saying I am dumb.. Just don't like to study xD; But thanks ^^ I gotta do my best~
    Somehwere like? :eek:

    My, well most of them at least :p Do you have favorite basketball teams? :3 I remember the video of the greek player you sent me c: Here unfortunately the only sport people pay attention to is football, but since mom likes to watch a bit of rugby it kinda got me, do you know the All Blacks? (In rugby).

    My someone knows how to bet :p I am guessing you can make some money on that heh. But it's a deal! After the group round finish then!
    Feel ya :c We can only hope the best is announced later. Hey you have two games to look forward to! That's good~

    Oh you are right xD But now you made me think, Imma ask in the Pokemon anime section to clear all doubt.

    Thanks! ^^ I really hope so. Haha now that you mention it I don't have a dream job like a lawyer or a doctor. I am a sucker for studies so I kinda want to make up for a living making people happy, I don't think I mentioned it to you but if I don't suceed at university, I wanna paint thing or make plushes. They are simple things I know, but a personalized detail can make the receiver really happy you know? I am friends with a painting teacher (she works teaching where I work) she does what she knows, meets a lot of people, shouldnt follow schedules and doesn't have a boss. I'd love something like that xD Okay I talked too much.. What about you?
    And well not specifically work aboard, I just wanna live somewhere else but of course that implies working so yeah xD

    Indeed o: I am not sure how well they will perform this year. I am not gonna lie I don't like Brazil, but the funny thing is it is because of politics and such. So you liked soccer since you were little? :3
    Yeah! I remember that all too well, the team got buncha hate from that cup, it was a crazy luck. Against Venezuela was the worst! But like in Pokemon battles luck is luck.
    I hope we can c:
    We should bet :p
    Sorry I was absent these past days :c

    So did you get some good announcements? ^^ I hope you didn't force yourself awake. That's bad for your body >:c I honestly was a little disspointed, with the Animal Crosing amiibo thing and no horror games, Atlus didn't say much (I was waiting for something about Etrian Odyssey 5) besides Persona 5 and FExSMT. Waht cheered me up was the fact finally The Last Guardian is gonna be released, still TBA but it's for next year >w<

    Omg don't remind me of that xD It can wreck shit! Plus the speed is sexy xD
    Does charizard count? I mean he appeared a few times.

    What can I do? I need the money heh. But you sounded like a gentleman there :p

    My ~ Thank you ^^ We are doing good so far. Did you watch ArgentinavsParaguay? Damn that match was epic, we were losing 2-0 by minute 40 but we turned the score! I kinda feel bad for being so pessimistic about the team, cause not gonna lie everyone was expecting Argentina to sweep the floor with us. And now the victory against Jamaica! o/
    So what team are you cheering on? (It's okay if you don't say Paraguay xD)
    Steeewieee owo)/
    Ya bet I am! Tho not keeping much with the news lately xD What about you?

    Ohh so keeping the formula o: I still like goodra better! It better reappear.

    Gak... I am sorry, I always forget to reply to pms.. :c

    Pretty average, tho loads of work st the store lately xD Father's day is soon and for some reason we have a looooot of schools asking for stuff for the students to paint, my arms are sore.. The boss and me had to deliver them, and damn thos bags are heavy. This is no work for a girl (?) I hope your days went better c:
    I should rush with my laptop then -w-)/
    For real? o.o Well that does seem strange, let me look into it. But maybe it will something like the WiiU screen, but you are able to play game and as well connect it to a console, who knows? xD
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