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  • Reminds me of freshman year when I still cared about music. What instrument do you play?

    Eh, the past is the past. Makes us who we are. I'm surprised she still appears at all. As you said, everyone is gone but that's nothing new.

    Anything interesting happen over the last three years with you?
    Band camp?

    Moll? Wasn't that Thriller's girlfriend? Yeah, the new guys seem alright.
    I actually want to go into something airline-related. If I could design the liveries of the planes, or possible the menu and in-flight magazines for the company, that'd be a dream. My ultimate dream job though would to be to design Pokemon merchandise, and I know a position like that is available (The Pokemon Company was looking for a Merchandise Designer six months ago). It really is a stunning country.

    It's pretty scary at first, but I found that once you have a routine set in motion, it gets better each day.
    Well, that's good to hear, at least.

    Yeah, I have a lot going on next summer. I'm majoring in Japanese and Graphic Design, so I'm going to be abroad in Japan for six months. I hope to be in the Yokohama area, but Tokyo and Sapporo are my back-ups for that.

    I honestly thought I was going to be a failure in college, but you just have to make the best choices with time and balance out your courses. I thought I'd be a B-average student (Since my GPA always roamed around a 3.0 in High School), but with how much I'm managing my time, I got a 3.9+ both semesters last year. I have no fucking idea how.
    I'm sorry to hear that on your behalf, man.

    I'm hoping I can pace it. I'm supposed to be working a lot, since I'm going to Europe next summer, and then the following school year, I'm doing my required Study Abroad in Japan. But fuck, I don't have the time for math and science in college, since I'm a double major.

    At least you're not a Senior. That's when time goes by really fast, and it's pretty scary.
    He was actually my second our of five. My first grandparent to die, my grandmother, died ten/eleven years ago, so I had no idea what I was in for. I'm better now, though.

    I have to take some summer classes for college next summer, but thanks for the heads up. What are you going to be now, a Senior or Junior?
    Oooh yeah I can see why you would be. >< I wish you luck!

    Also I'm gonna go play a game so I'll catch ya later.
    watch it, you :drowsy:
    because i like being on top of things and having all the threads i post in available in my control panel when they update :V
    i prefer the term "avid devotee" :V
    i have the music thread subscribed if that's what this is about :1
    The government. Most universities. :L

    M14 is both Semi-Auto and Full Auto, so you can use it as a sniper or a battle rifle. M24 is a bolt-action sniper.
    Didn't do the end-of-the-year tests or anything.

    I'm planning on being a sniper. I wanted an M14, but I can't find one of high-quality in my price range. Going with an M24 instead. :p
    Mmm, technically speaking, I haven't finished the school year. So I need to do that.

    But interesting, huh... Probably gonna be buying some airsoft stuff soon.
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