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  • Hey, do you mind if I add you on facebook? Unless you don't add people unless you know them in real life or something... That would be understandable.
    Thank you for all those TCG tips. I've been busy with school and work, so I haven't been on the site until now. D:

    Anyway, do you know what decks would have those cards? If I do get a deck, I'll probably just start with one; it also depends on whether my job decides to keep me or not after Christmas, and if not, how long it takes me to find a new one. I guess many of the newest decks would be good?

    Yeah, I'm on the east coast too. :( West coast gets everything. However, I think Nintendo World does TCG tournaments or something?
    That's cool. You wanted to be a translator, right?

    Anyway, you still have plenty of time to choose your major. Gen-eds are pretty much the same for everyone, unless you decide you're going into science or engineering, which you probably aren't (especially if you want to have a life or sleep..).
    Thanks for all your comments on my blog! I've replied, though I don't know if you get emailed replies, so I figured I'd bring it up. :p Would you mind if I add you as a friend?
    I read a couple of the exerpts, and it looks interesting. I'd like to read it some time, maybe over winter break when I have time to do non school things. If that's ok, I mean.

    Also, mad respect for actually writing a novel in a month. I don't think I could ever write one at all, let alone in a month..

    Yeah, I definitely missed when you first talked about it in the beginning of the month. I pretty much only go in the Conversational Chat Thread, and I first heard the word "nanowrimo" about half way through the month, and I had no idea what it was..
    Just asking. Because if I was able to find it, I'd show you a list of my own deck. Thankfully they let you use decks that have cards as far back as the original "Dark *insert Pokemon* cards.
    Not that I'd be going to a TCG thing anytime soon...

    Oooh. Have fun with that. :eek:
    I'm just gonna wait till after Christmas to get the newest Arceus ones. I don't keep up with the new decks much, although I sometimes will get current ones, such as the Tyranitar deck that came out last year.
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