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  • Hi, I noticed that I should've shown you the picture code differently. XD I'll do it again! It goes like this: [IMG*]writetheaddressofthepicturehere[/IMG*] Of course you remove *s from there, and then you should have it in your signature. :3
    If you want me to use 4th gen. sprites, then I can get them on my own. :3 So go ahead. ^-^ And it's not a problem - you're a friend after all. ~
    Awww, thank you! Sure, I can make you a splice (I love making sprite stuff for my friends). Just post to the topic what splice do you want and tell which one do I use as a base. :3
    Ah, okay. :3 I read that topic as well and tried it, but that way didn't work for me. I use Merbear method if possible. You can watch videos from YouTube about it. :3
    I don't really know what you mean? I learnt how to chain from the thread 'shiny pokemon with the Pokeradar' by Shuko here on Bulbagarden and I'm hoping to learn how to continue a chain while fishing. I think it was discovered by someone on Serebii that under certain conditions your chain can continue and it's supposed to be easier but no one knows much about it =[
    I've been playing Pearl a lot, almost 100 hrs by now! I've found one shiny and caught it, but it was a random Starly, I did no chaining whatsoever. I should start training my Absol and Froslass soon. :3
    Okay, I'll try to remember. If I remember correctly, they still show Family Guy, but no Futurama episodes are shown currently, dunno why. :/
    Scrubs is really good too! :3 I haven't watched Futurama or Family Guy that much, so I don't have a good opinion of them.
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