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  1. L

    !MaKe AnD cReAtE yOuR oWn PoKeMoN tOwN!

    This is the Paleontolgy-centered town of Amberdale. The Gym is right in the little rock outcrop. On the top of the rock outcrop is the entrance to the Safari Zone, where you can capture Pokemon, both endangered and prehistoric. How do the pregistoric Pokemon get there? By bringing a fossil or...
  2. L

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    This guy are sick. If a person says a lie in the forest with no one to hear them, is it still untrue?
  3. L

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    Dialgafreakolbusdoofgkingip. (A.K.A.: Magikarp) If wishes were fishes, would cats eat bats?
  4. L

    Misty Club

    Y hello thar, other Misty fans. You all can consider me a part of this club, unless of course you deem me, how you say, unworthy. Misy really and truely is the best character on the show IMHO. I hope that the next gen has a playble character that looks remotely like her so she can rejoin Ash's...
  5. L

    Pokémon in Odd Places

    Well, one time at school, some people were talking about turtles for some reason, and one of them mentioned Squirtle. For a fun little joke, I blurted out "WAAAARTORTLE!!!". They all stared at me, and I remembered how a lot of people really don't like Pokemon that much. Needless to say, I was...
  6. L

    Hello everybody!

    Haldo! My name is Lapras-92. If it is too long for you to type out, you may call me Lapras92, 92, Lapras, or even L-92. I am a high schooler, and tend to get A's and B+'s. Notice the "tend to" :sweat:. I enjoy playing video games, especially the Pokemon games(naturally), the Zelda series, the...
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