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    [2012-02-09] Father shoots daughter's laptop on Youtube

    Epic dad is epic. Did anyone actually watch the video? (the actual video, not the one with the hoax) the daughter deserved it. She was given a warning, yet she posted something like that again. He paid for it, so it's technically his laptop, and he should be able to do what he wants with it. The...
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    Movies/TV My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

    MY BROTHER IS NOW A BRONY!!!! ......oh yeah, and he's 10. I just find that kind of ironic because most boys his age wouldn't set foot near anything pony related, but I'm not complaining! The episode I showed him was 'Party of One'. I honestly never thought that he would be so open-minded about...
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    Movies/TV My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

    Anybody watched dubbed versions of MLP? I've watched some, like the Italian dub (which is AMAZING, btw) and the french dub (which is okay, but better than most of the dubs). I know that everyone says that the English version is the best, but the Italian dub comes pretty close. For example...
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    What is the funniest insult you ever heard?

    "That's COLD, bro."
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    Little Things about Friends!

    Last year I had a really close, but small group of friends. Not much, but good enough for me. :3 But then things changed. My closet friend had made another friend, and the two of them would hang out together all the time. Sometimes my friend would invite me to join them, but when I did, they...
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    Do you have a catchphrase?

    Usually when I'm mad at someone or I just want to creep them out (Usually the latter) I'll say, "Fluffles is not happy, Fluffles is not having fun." A lot of times though, when I'm saying something and the situation gets really awkward, I'll start talking quieter and quieter until I just trail...
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    How My Day Sucked!

    I have a test tomorrow, but I have no motivation to study................
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    How My Day Rocked!

    Today in my science class, some guy's phone went off and his ringtone was a train whistle. XD Nothing too special, just funny.
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    Teacher Probed Over Bra And Panties Party

    Oh. My. God. Those poor girls.......well, they probably didn't realize what was actually going on, but still.......
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    Movies/TV My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

    When it first started getting popular, I couldn't understand why everyone loved it. I mean, it's My Little Pony. But I watched an episode, and to my surprise, I was hooked! :3
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    What's Your Favorite Candy Bar?

    Hmm, well I like all kinds of chocolate! Random Guy: Chocolate? Did you say chocolate? Me: um, yeah..... Random Guy: Chocolate? Chocolate?! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! (starts chasing me) Me: O_o (runs)
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    Dark and Disturbing Cartoon Theories

    I found one a while ago about the mushroom kingdom. I know this is more of a video game theory, but I found it pretty....disturbing. Think about all of those times when Princess Peach got kidnapped. It's been like nine times. Does the kingdom really have that bad security? After the first time...
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    Obsolete: Who's Your Favourite Cartoon Character?

    Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants :D Annnnnd, if we're also talking anime, the entire cast of Konjiki no Gash Bell. (But I doubt anyone actually knows what that is XD)
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    Best Spongebob episode ever aired

    I loved the episode with Doodlebob (Patrick: FINLAND!) Graveyard Shift (AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHHH! AHH! AHH!) Club Spongebob ("All hail the magic conch! WOLULULULULU!") SB-129 ("Everything is chrome in the future!") Pizza Delivery ("Krusty Krab Pizza----is the Pizza---for...
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    Dark and Disturbing Cartoon Theories

    This is only one that I heard, I don't really believe it. The Spongebob Squarpants characters are all based off of the seven sins Patrick: Sloth (self-explanitory) Squidward: Wrath (he hates Spongebob and Patrick, usually his rage leads him into getting badly hurt) Mr. Krabs: Greed (pretty...
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    most hated pokemon

    For obvious reasons: Hypno For personal reasons: Celebi (from the mystery dungeon games)
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    What is the funniest thing you've done involving pokemon?

    When someone asked me why I was wearing shorts, (it was really cold today, no snow, but still cold) I responded: "Because I like them! They're comfy and easy to wear!"
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    Pokémon dreams

    This is one my cousin had. He was his Piplup from PMD, and I was in the dream too (as my Vulpix) and for most of the dream, he was trying to impress this Lopunny that he apperantly had a crush on. Which is weird, because he hates Lopunnys in real life.
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    Pokemon Creepypasta V.2 (Read First Post Before Posting)

    Here's mine. I wrote it myself, and it's on DeviantART along with another Creepypasta I wrote. If anyone wants to see it, I am TeamVulvee on DeviantART. Please give me some critique on this one, so I can write better pastas! Kumi Another rainy night. Just wonderful. I yawned and stretched in...
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    Ever been bullied cos of Pokemon?

    I've got three stories. 1. Last year, my friend and I were looking at pictures of squirtle on Google Images, and I was a little worried that we might get hassled about it, because it was right in the middle of the school during Lunch Break. Then some random guys walked pass us, looked at the...
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