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  1. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: apr 2024 rkgk 2

  2. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: apr 2024 rkgk

    last minute doodles before I have to go on a trip and won't have my tablet... yippee
  3. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: mar 2024 pt.2

  4. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: mar 2024

    Second art dump of the year (yikes it's March already). I'm slowly remembering how to make finished art.
  5. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: jan 2024

    First art dump of the year. Some of it is actually from late last year but shush :slowpoke:
  6. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: end of year 2023

    I'm probably not gonna get any more big pieces done before the end of the month, so time to wrap it up... Art summary thing for 2023: [/SPOILER] This year's compilation of scrapped sketches and doodles I've amassed over the past twelve months: Also, the rest of that holiday banner that I...
  7. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures

    ahhh I couldn't possibly reply to each and every one of yous personally, but I mean this, thank you so much! Such incredibly kind words from all of you; it always makes me happy to hear when you guys enjoy the things I draw, and I'm very grateful. <3 If I tried something like this again, it'd...
  8. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: ship prompts

    Did another one of those drawing prompt thingies. This time it's six seven different Pokémon pairings, suggested by seven different people here!
  9. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: a lot of whatever 3

    Feeling a little bleh about art this week, so I'mma just throw all this here without thinking too much of it...
  10. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Oh of course, thank you for asking! :bulbaLove: These are the ones I use most right now: links: (1, 2, 3) MONOBRUSH is specifically what I'm using for the lineart of these avis; it's sort of like a combination of a "flat marker"-type pen and a watercolor paint brush, so you can get some nice...
  11. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: a lot of whatever 2

    Quick sketch dump in between better things:
  12. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures

    aww that makes me so happy to hear! I really appreciate all the kind words Teebs, it's very sweet of you to say :bulbaLove: Thank you!!! and nah, that was totally the intention of that spoiler name :swirlix: It's such a silly character that I just needed to draw 'em! I'm not currently doin' any...
  13. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: a lot of whatever

  14. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: pika revamp

    Not much new lately. I've been way too busy with other commitments to sit down and draw much, which has been a pain. Just to make sure I don't get rusty, today I quickly redrew a very old pikadoodle of mine from almost 12 years ago: And although a few of you noticed this right away, I'm happy...
  15. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: halloween 2023 / zzzzzz

  16. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: miku / eevee tv

  17. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: spinoffs / sygna

    oops, forgive the double-post but I forgot to actually dump this week's art while I was here. *facepalm* I scribbled out a few obscure characters from spinoff games to de-rust. how many do you recognize? And because it just wouldn't be me without you-know-who, have some severely unfinished...
  18. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Right?!?! I always loved that aspect of her design since it's (honestly still to this day) so uncommon. Especially when I was a kid myself, since it was relatable to see a character with those features... lol thank all of yous for the extremely nice comments, I don't always have the words to...
  19. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures

    aw I appreciate the sentiment, though you should give yourself more credit too! Practice is a powerful thing so I hope you don't ever feel discouraged by seeing others' art. I'd love to see your drawings in the Art Gallery as well if you'd ever want to share them!
  20. Okido

    Oki Draws Pictures
    Threadmarks: doodling

    aww thank you you two! Lately I just haven't drawn very much due to being sick. When I do have the energy to draw, all of a sudden I feel sooo uninspired. *falls over* So take a few vague unpolished sketches that I liked, until something greater hits me...
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