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  1. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    eeeee I really love the concept of 6 Star EX outfits being just a little bit different from the regular outfit, besides the color. eeeeeeeeee I love :bulbaLove: :bulbaLove: :bulbaLove:
  2. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Bug type Miku Bug type Miku Bug—
  3. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Battle Revolution art Battle Revolution art Battle—
  4. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    The sketches look really lovely on the brown/beige backdrop. It's... very sketchpage-like, idk. It's a cool vibe. Feel better, fren :bulbaHugs:
  5. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Still can’t get over how cute Peristeri and Ferdinand look (Also the sketch fhakahdlsjsjd)
  6. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    The colours!!!!!!! Super super nostalgic :bulbaLove:
  7. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    OMG!!!! MISTY!!! She looks so cute in your style!!!!!!
  8. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Arven Arven Arven Arven—
  9. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

  10. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    First of all I know I’ve said this before probably but I just love how you drew Sparrow. She just looks so peaceful and calm and serene, and her little Taillow friend ❤(っ^▿^) Second omg the way you did Miku’s hair!!!!! I love the pink shadows so much!!!!!!! And Ash!!!!! I love them : )
  11. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    How did I not see Kermit Emmet omg my day has been made
  12. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Those are yummy looking pancakes!!!! And Raichu's expression is adorable!!!!!!!!!
  13. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Okay but your way of coloring is just really satisfying. I don't know what it is, but it's really nice.
  14. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

  15. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Oh my gosh they're adorable!!!!! I've been having a pretty bad day, but seeing the notification that you posted gave me happys, and then seeing them gave me more happys!!! Thank you :bulbaLove::bulbaLove::bulbaLove:
  16. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    surprising no one but Wallace or Winona or Steven. Totally your call. Anything you draw will be really good.
  17. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

  18. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    Very pretty! Those colors are really nice.
  19. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    c a t heck yeah
  20. Welkamo

    Oki Draws Pictures

    ORCHID ART THREAD LET'S GOOOOOOOO Your art style is super cute!!!!!! That Lisia doodle is adorable!!!!!!!!!!
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