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Poemon Master Quest.....

Yeah, Master Quest is easily the best Johto Season.

Besides a few fillers, their's a few nice mini-arcs (Team Rocket Grunts actually do stuff!) as well as some kickass gyms.
Yeah, Master Quest is easily the best Johto Season.

I concur. The only episodes of Master Quest I truly do not like are A Tyrogue Full of Trouble, Xatu the Future, Enlighten Up, and A Crowning Achievement. Besides those, I can watch pretty much any other episode.
Master Quest is a good season, but there are some episodes you should definitely avoid. In addition to the ones above, avoid a lot of the early Whirl Island filler, like the one about Mantine and the one about Remoraid, those were terrible.

Also avoid "Whichever way the wind blows" which is a god awful filler about Vileplume/Bellossom. There are also two awful Slowpoke episodes, one is "Enlighten Up" and the other is about Slowking, both are terrible.

Aside from the dire filler, Master Quest made late Johto more interesting because we got some good story arcs. The Whirl Cup was decent, (although Misty's win against Ash was a cheap Psyduck dues ex), the Team Rocket arcs are good, the Phanpy arc is great, and everything from the Clair arc, through the Larvitar arc through the Johto league is gold. This is when the writers were gearing up for AG, so naturally the end of Johto had some much better episodes.

I think one of the big problems with Master Quest is that Misty is rather dull. She was dull for most of Johto, but since we're focusing on this season, she's not much better here. Aside from the three ep Whirl Cup, the Sakura ep, the ep where Poliwhirl evolves, "Just Add Water" and of course GCYL...Misty does next to nothing for the rest of the season.

Here's some advice, don't go into this season expecting to see the same Misty we know and love from Kanto/Orange. The Misty in Johto is very monotonous and has almost no personality aside from acting like a mother to Togepi (which is insanely boring). The writers tried to do something with her with the Whirl Cup but it was only three eps and afterwards she goes back to her usual rut of doing nothing. The writers tried to give her Corsola to make her battle a bit more, but Corsola honestly wasn't used all that much either.

After watching this season and Johto in general, its pretty easy to see why the writers got rid of Misty for good after this. It really bothers me that she was treated this way, because this is a perfect example of the writers taking a great character and screwing her up completely. Ugh, aside from GCYL, Misty is mostly a chore to watch in Johto.

Better yet, after watching this season go back and rewatch Kanto and Orange to see the real Misty, not this motherly demure Togepi background character that she is in Johto. Ugh, I'm getting a bad taste in my mouth just by rememering how poorly they treated her here.
I have some advice
dont listen to Scott85, just see for yourself. Scott has something against Johto.
I personally found Masterquest very nice, although the fillers of the Johto League Champions were more entertaining (no one really thinks so but I personally enjoyed them.

I hope you enjoy the season though. I found the opening and the song quite comforting and Pokemon-y.
Aww, but Enlighten Up had Brock hitting on a nun! And I'm surprised it didn't get banned, considering the whole ep was basically a giant parody of Buddhism.

Nah, American Censors only seems to freak out when Christianity is spoofed.

Also avoid "Whichever way the wind blows" which is a god awful filler about Vileplume/Bellossom

That episode was awesome.
I have some advice
dont listen to Scott85, just see for yourself. Scott has something against Johto.

I'm not telling her what to do, its just advice before going in.

For the most part I didn't like Johto because of the lack of character development, Ash's Pokemon team was underdeveloped, Misty's character became boring, and there was way too much filler. This is why you have so many people agreeing that Johto was the worst saga in the overall series. It was just a long drawn-out saga where the writers really had no clue where they were going with it. This is also why Gary is rarely seen in Johto, he only gets 3 eps prior to the league. They basically screwed Gary over in Johto too, which is a shame since he deserved more screentime than he got.

I'm just glad the writers realized their mistakes here which is why they got their act together with AG and D/P.

However I agree that all the character arcs in Master Quest were really good.
The best thing is we had some good Team Rocket arcs, something we don't really get anymore. It's a shame that the writers seemingly exclude Giovanni's activitiy in Hoenn and Sinnoh, because we rarely get to see them in action anymore. Hell, Battle Frontier also only really had that Butch/Cassidy ep and that's it.
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Master Quest had the best, funniest writing. Screw character development.
I really liked Master Quest. Yet, it also was the last season Misty was in the group ;-;
Such as? Misty really wasn't doing anything for the show in Johto. Now before anyone has their fingers on the keyboard, view these issues below.

While Misty used to be really great, she was not handled well in Johto, no matter which way you slice it, and that's probably the reason the writers removed her from the series. Johto lasted 157 episodes, Misty is actually focused on in so few of them.

Here are some reasons the writers didn't handle her well after Orange ended:

- She got almost no character development the entire saga. If you look at Misty in the first Johto ep, and look at her right before GCYL....she's exactly the same. She didn't change at all the entire saga. She was essentially a stagnant character who didn't evolve in over 150 episodes.

- She's holding Togepi in her arms the entire saga. This, for some reason, prevented the writers from having her take a more active role. In about 90% of Johto she just stands in the background with Togepi in her arms. Togepi became more of an item than a Pokemon.

- Misty's personality was stripped of all the things that used to make her great. Gone was her hot temper and tomboyish personality, and it was replaced by a demure, kind and motherly personality. While there are some eps in Johto where her temper surfaced, it was few and far inbetween.

The writers probably did this to make it look like she mellowed out, but ugh, they could have done it so it didn't make her dull. Does anyone really care about Misty being motherly to Togepi? I would much rather she act like she did during the pre-Togepi days.

- Her Pokemon never did all that much. Even Psyduck stopped popping out of its ball in Johto. Poliwhirl got some good battles in fillers as did Corsola at the tail-end of Johto, but if anyone actually researched how many battles Misty was in during Johto, it probably isn't too many. Hell, Goldeen is probably the worst offender since it couldn't do anything on land. It's pretty obvious that the girls who followed her had much more impressive (and higher quanity) of battles in the anime.

- With the exception of Psyduck and Poliwhirl/toed, the rest of her Pokemon never really had a personality. Staryu, Goldeen, and Corsola weren't comic relief Pokemon, nor did they have any real character either.

If you look at Dawn's Pokemon especially, and compare them to Misty's, you'll see a clear difference in terms of her Pokemon compared to Misty's. Piplup, Buneary and Pachirisu have some of the best personalities in the show, and when you compare them to previous characters Pokemon, they just don't hold up.

- The Whirl Cup was essentially Misty's only shining moment the entire saga. It seemed to be a testing ground to see if girls could have a big role in the show, (we know the writers already had planned May at this time, so I assume the Whirl Cup was testing the waters so to speak), and she essentially beats Ash only because Psyduck pulled a dues ex. The writers essentially turned Ash into an idiot during that battle, (he's seen Psyduck get a headache plenty of times in the past, yet like an idiot he kept having Kingler use pincer on its head), to allow Misty to win. I think this would have been better had Misty beat him fair and square rather than the writers having to regress Ash and let Misty pull a dues ex to win.


I could probably go on, but this is about the gist of it. What did Johto do for Misty's character, honestly? Aside from making her dull and monotnous?

The fact that most of Misty's best character moments either come from Kanto/Orange or AG really says a lot.

If anyone would want to refute the points above, then be my guest. I'm just interested in why people look back at Misty with rose-colored glasses rather than noticing all the things the writers could have done much better.

If you take the nostalgia out of the picture, it isn't a pretty picture at all. And this, people, is most likely why Misty was removed from the anime and replaced with more active plot-driven female protagonists. I rest my case. The stage is yours.
I'm not going to argue against you, Scott.

I happen to like all the Pokemon females equally, and I don't prefer anyone over the other (cause to be honest, I like the male characters more than the females).

Anyway, I just wanted to post on this thread because it's about Master Quest. I love this season. <3

That's why I'm glad I have both DVD box sets. Now I can watch my favorite episodes any time I want!! ^_^

Ah yes, the joy of watching my favorite gym battles and filler episodes of Johto....

Speaking of episodes, I have to say that "Hocus Pokemon" is definitely one of the funniest episodes in Master Quest. When it first aired, I was cracking up for the entire duration (much like I did during "Whiscash and Ash" and "Claydol Big and Tall"). On top of that, personally, I found it to be the most unique episode, simply because of what was accomplished. Oh, and of course, it had the best ending ever, lol. XD

Then again, I guess it could also fall into the category of: Weirdest Pokemon Episode.

Actually, it's right below "Address Unown" in terms of weirdness, and lots of crazy stuff happening that you wouldn't expect.

Heh, I never thought about it before, but Master Quest was full of weird episodes. XD

I often wonder what the writers were thinking when they wrote the storylines for those episodes. It would be interesting to know how they came up with all that stuff (I mean, they have those "location scouting" and "behind the scenes" features for the Pokemon movies - so I think it'd be awesome if they had features like that for the episodes too!!).
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Aww, but Enlighten Up had Brock hitting on a nun! And I'm surprised it didn't get banned, considering the whole ep was basically a giant parody of Buddhism.

My guess is that Buddhists don't get offended as easily as Christian's do. Look at Avatar. =/

Anyway. MQ=Best Johto Season. It had the Ashachu ep, but sadly, it didn't get expanded that much. He needs to come back, seriously.

And Misty was getting boring. There's no denying it.
It had the Ashachu ep, but sadly, it didn't get expanded that much. He needs to come back, seriously.
Yes, I second that.

I agree with you 100%, Jonouchi!! ^_^

I mean, if you watch the episode "Hocus Pokemon" and then "As Clear As Crystal" right aftewards, it certainly leaves you wanting more of the human-Pokemon transformation storyline.

The writers need more episodes like that, and they really need to have Ashachu reappear in D/P. I don't care if it happens to Ash willingly or unwillingly, just as long as it happens again. XD

Actually, now that I think of it, they're supposed to be making a sequel to Mystery Dungeon, right?

Then maybe, just maybe, if the writers want to "celebrate" the production or release of the game, then they could incorporate the Pokemon TF storyline into the anime once more. And what better way to do that then to bring Ashachu back, but with more focus on him this time instead of on Lily.

Anyway, here's to hoping that if he returns, they make the spell last TWICE as long since it's his second time. I'm talking about about one episode or maybe two, where he's a Pikachu the entire time! Now that would be awesome!! ^_^
scott85 said:
While Misty used to be really great, she was not handled well in Johto, no matter which way you slice it, and that's probably the reason the writers removed her from the series. Johto lasted 157 episodes, Misty is actually focused on in so few of them.

Well, this is what seems to happen to many characters... the writers seem to get bored with them, and then eventually replace them on the show. It's happened to Brock (though he was brought back), Misty, Max, and even May. While I find it a waste of time to post a multi-line post about how I feel that certain characters became boring, I will have to say this is pretty much the case about all the characters who have been replaced.

It really seems that toward the end of May's stay on the series that her brother really started to shine moreso then May... but alas, we aren't talking about May or Max, we're talking about Misty, aren't we?

I think that Misty was able to keep the attention of audiences very well over most of the series, and just like when Brock was replaced, she is also very missed... maybe moreso then any other character from the anime. She was an original character, and original characters are usually the most well-thought out of the characters.
Please note: The thread is from 17 years ago.
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