pokemon fan 132
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  • The samba school parades were beautiful like always. I wanted Mocidade Alegre to win the São Paulo parade but Vai-Vai ended up getting more points in the last few categories. In Rio de Janeiro, Beija-Flor won for the 13th time, I'm not surprised.

    About Misty, yeah, I think becoming an Elite Four member would be very good for her. We don't know what exactly is a Water-type Pokémon Master but I think being a part of the Elite Four is pretty close to it.

    I've been wanting a few specials involving the past main characters for a while now, and if the writers decided to do something like this, it would be nice to see her traveling to Unova to catch some Water-type Pokémon that can't be found in Kanto and maybe meeting and battling Marlon? But I can't see Misty becoming one of the Elite Four. They're way too powerful in the anime. I was watching An Elite Coverup! the other day and Bertha defeated Ash so easily, haha. I don't think Ash and his friends will ever get to this level.

    Keep in mind the Elite Four members are stronger than Pokémon League Conference winners like Tyson, Tobias, and Virgil. If Ash is not allowed to win a League Conference, if May and Dawn are not allowed to win a Grand Festival, then Misty will never be an Elite Four. The writers don't want the main characters to fulfill their dreams. Endless journeys are what they like the most. :XD2:
    Hi, sorry for the late reply! Carnaval is over now and I just checked the forums a few times and only for a few seconds. I want to say that it isn't because we have different views that we rarely talk to each other. If you check my activity, you'll see that I don't talk too much around here. You must have noticed this already. I mean, my posts are very rare, and just take a look at my visitors messages, haha. But while we have different opinions about the anime, we also have respect for each other, and this allow us to have these conversations. Thank you for always being so nice! :)
    Now you know my opinions on Pokémon Showcases, they were made clear in that thread. I don't like them. I think Showcases are a second-rate, girls-only competition that don't really tests skills and are the result of an unsuccessful blending of the Hearthome Collection with the Performance Stage from Contests. But even this crappy thing is better than having a girl trying to specialize in a certain type, because we have seen that twice and it didn't work. I don't feel like the writers should ever try to go down this route again.

    Even if they decided to have a girl aiming to become a master of Flying-type Pokémon -- a type that has a large number of species, a Pokémon battle variation dedicated to them in the form of Sky Battles plus the anime-exclusive PokéRinger tournament -- I still think they wouldn't do a very good job with the girl. I think it would grow old and boring real quickly. But this of course is all my opinion and I'm not trying to change yours.

    I hope this has not offended you, because it was not my intention. But if it did, I apologize. It's just that I don't like when the girls are given a minor role in the show, I think they deserve more than that, and when they get a bigger role, the anime gets better overall.
    No need to apologize, you're not offending me or bothering me at all, I simply decided to drop the conversation there because I think it could get us both a warning for going off-topic and I didn't want that to happen. Besides, my post was already long enough. :XD2:

    Honestly, it's good that you're able to enjoy the show even when the female lead of a series gets poorly treated by the writers. I am one of those that find it very difficult to watch the anime when this happens. The girl in the group needs to be in an item-collecting journey to get me interested in following her adventures, because otherwise I just can't bring myself to care about them. No, it's actually worse than that. I wish I could feel indifference towards them, but they start to annoy me to no end because they aren't doing things to advance their goals.

    When this happens, I start to question why the writers even went to the trouble of having a girl traveling with Ash. Of course I know the answer for that question, but do you think Iris represents girls in a good way? Do you think Iris is a good role model for the girls watching the show? I certainly don't, because while Ash was getting all the Gym Badges he needed to enter the competition he wanted to actually have a chance of making his dreams come true, Iris was sitting in her ass doing little to nothing.

    Like I said in that thread, Iris sure was among the 16 participants in the Club Battle and the Junior Cup, but are any of these competitions related to Dragon mastery at all? No, they don't really do anything for her goal. Besides, a Pokémon Contest has more participants in the first round than each and every competition Iris ever entered. May and Dawn getting to advance to the Contest Battles means more than Iris winning a very small competition that has a very small number of Trainers competing for the insignificant prize awarded at the end.
    Birthday messages are wonderful gifts. I did have a really nice birthday. I spent time with my family, had some good cake, got some nice presents and there are a couple of late ones to come tomorrow too. It's been a good day.
    I do hear most of the Japanese audiences moved forward with May, Dawn, and others. Japanese people seem to have a preference for more girly girls, it seems. It is also worth noting that while Americans/Europeans consider Pokémon to be one of The 90s Animes - with the others being Dragon Ball, or Sailor Moon perhaps, in Japan, it's more just one of many animes. This may explain why we love Misty - because we actually grew up with her (and with the Pokémon anime in general). I totally understand this feeling, as I considered Pokémon to be the international anime, especially during the years just after I returned home to Japan from the US - it felt like it was my only connection to my American life/friends that I missed at that time. (I was born in '87, moved to the US in '92 with my family, returned to Japan in '97, started studying in Australia in '04, and still in down under.)

    On a related note, Japanese audiences prefer the kawaisa/cuteness more than the bad-ass stuff Americans tend to prefer. That's why more of Japanese anime have really cutsey, compared to, say, American cartoons/comics. Of course there are exceptions - Akira for example, and maybe Cowboy Bebop. I, having grown up in both Japan and, for four years, in the US, like both Pikachu and Charizard, though.
    Yeah it HIT HARD in Massachusetts! But we are fine now, there is Snow ALL OVER the place but not too bad anymore
    Hello! how are U? I'm SUPER HAPPY because I was let out of School early due to a bIG Snowstorm Coming! VERY HAPPY!! :)
    Sarcastic answer: Yes, because I am omnipotent. Therefore I can. Haha

    Sincere answer: Actually, no, I am not omnipotent. But, yes, Japanese is my native language - though I haven't shown that on my profile. I'm the only one in my family living in Australia, as I have permanent residency status. Hence my location being "a Starbucks/Gloria Jeans in Sydney"
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