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  • Yeah Shipping Wars would happen LOL. I'd say I'm PokeShipping I guess, but Misty's been FORGOTTEN for Over 10 Years now and I find that VERY SADDENING :(
    I Hope the Gym Battle Next Week is Good. But 2 Weeks from now the Forums WILL BE CRAZY!! The AmourShippers ARE GOING TO DEFEND the Episode if ut has A LOT of Shipping Hints LOL, so I DON'T Want to Cross them LOL.
    Hey, sorry for not replying to you during Christmas. I've been busy attending to family business in Japan, and now I've been doing some preparations for my thesis writing which starts in July. (I'm going to be writing about the history and conservation issues on Tokyo Station.)

    This is going to be somewhat off-topic for you, but have you yourself got headcanons that you have, or want to use in a fanfiction you'd like to write? Is it something more of science fiction or fantasy? Or is it more grounded in history/realism?

    You probably figured this out already through my blog, but unlike what a number of people here thinks, I prefer my headcanons to be somewhat based in reality. Hence, for example:
    - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh form Japan. The regions are colloquial and only officially used as league divisions - the administrative unit used in government is the prefecture. For example, Pallet Town and Veridian City forms Veridian Pref, Cerulean-Celadon-Vermillion-suburban Safferon (but not Safferon proper) forms Kanto Metropolis, etc. (Saffron City proper, on the other hand, is the capital of Japan, and is treated more or less like Washington DC.)
    - Most of the events that happened in real-life Japan happens more or less the same in Poke-Japan. The point where Poke-Japan's history starts to diverge from real-life Japan is from the 20th Century (which I explained in my blog).
    - Some of the events in modern history diverges to become more ideal/utopian (as the Japanese Republicans). There are exceptions (such as the Rouen Inferno).
    - Generally I try to tie canon folklore with my own events based on real-life (pre-modern) history.

    - The anime and the games are alternate timelines that diverged from each other at the beginning of the 20th Century.
    - The main events in the anime/games take place in the early-to-mid 21st Century. (Hence why we have stuff like Maglev, Pokémon transfer systems etc)
    That would be fine. It may take awhile for me to give you a reply, but you can send me a PM about the request if you want to do so.
    We all have a side like that, some are just more willing to admit it that others. I can be that way with Breath of Fire, my favorite game series. That's why it's important to try to at least scratch the surface when meeting someone to see what they're really like. It's not always the easiest, but it's worth the effort.

    Anyway, no, I haven't had a chance to check out those sites yet, as I've been working most of the morning and went to bed early last night. I also had a guy in to repair my dishwasher, so I had to linger around with him in order to get a better idea of the situation. So I haven't had a chance yet, though I plan to check them out soon, I just have some things to do still before I can move onto leisure stuff.
    Hmm... thanks for letting me know. I'll look into it and see from there.

    Anyway, speaking of Yugioh, if you haven't noticed, I have a Yugioh fanfic in the fanfiction section of these threads: Psychic Duelist Django (very creative title, I know...). The first "season" is in the archive section, as it's finished, while the second "season" is currently in the main section, as it's still in the works, though nearing completion. While it was technically a Zexal-themed series, it, in reality, gives nods to all five series (though the Arc-V references have just started), so really it's more like a Arc-V series at this point. If you want to, check it out, and I appreciate the feedback on it. Just thought I'd mention it.
    Sorry for the late reply, had something to tend to (as my previous blog mentioned).

    Anyway, yes, I'm a big fan of Yugioh, as an avid collector of cards, figures/items, and anime DVDs. While I don't exactly know what DN or devpro is, it does sound like fun regardless. So maybe we can do a duel on those sites sometime, as it might give me a new place to hang out and make new friends. Sounds like fun. Thanks for sending me a VM, as you may have given me something else to check out.
    Sorry for the late reply. Happy New Year to you too and I'm glad that you had a nice Christmas with your family as well. I had a nice Christmas with my family and everyone seemed happy with their gifts, so that was nice. I'm quite eager to learn more about the new Yu-Gi-Oh! movie. I'm really enjoying Sailor Moon Crystal and I'm hopeful for the new Digimon Adventure sequel after they finally decided to give some actual information about it last month, so hopefully that series will be good too.
    The song's actually a cover of a BGM from the Touhou games, but you're welcome regardless. :p Hope you have a good 2015 as well.
    I wasn't offended at all; it's the thought that counts. I hope you have a good year.
    I know how hard it can be to celebrate the holidays without a family member. Although in my case it was my pets and I'm sure that's different from a person, but it's still rough and I can understand that feeling. Hopefully, you and your family will have a wonderful Christmas. I was able to get most of gifts I thought I could get for my family, but the process was a bit challenging. I should have done it a bit sooner, but I come from a family of last minute shoppers.

    As for the Yu-Gi-Oh! movie, I think that it's awesome. While another crossover movie would have been kind of neat, I don't think that it would have worked with five protagonists. They were barely able to make it work with three protagonists in the anniversary movie and even that could be up for debate depend on who you ask. Focusing on one series will probably be better for the long run. Focusing on one of the spin-off series could have been neat, but I can understand why they'd go for DM. It would bring in more nostalgia appeal and it ties in with the 20th anniversary of the manga. Plus, I always liked the idea of a post-Ceremonial Duel setting for the DM for a movie or OVA. That hasn't been confirmed yet, but the lack of a puzzle on Yugi's image seems to imply that as the case. That would be really cool if it was the case since Yugi would get more attention. I like Atem, but he does tend to overshadow Yugi both in the show and marketing pretty much anything DM related, so making him and Kaiba the main focus instead is a bit more refreshing and interesting.
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