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Blazaking's Photoshop - Banners, Avatars etc

Do you like your finished request?

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    Votes: 171 81.0%
  • No

    Votes: 40 19.0%

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Just wanted to stop by, to let you know that I finally remembered to give you credit, for making my avatar. Again, thank you; I love it! :)
@Blazaking EXcould you make a banner for me? with sonic and knuckles on it and with this background  and with this text on it nightmare sonic
thanks in advance!
Hello, I see your slots are full as of now and I have a request so if you would be so kind please message me when you have an opening. Thanks.
When there's a slot open, can you send me a message? I have a request that I would like for you to work on.
...late. Very, very late. I took over a month to finish these. You have permission to hate me. I'm not sure how many of you will still want your requests, but here they are anyway. ^^;;









I hope you all can find some use for them. ^^;

Once again, I'm sorry this took so incredibly long. I've been super busy what with real life, school, my computer breaking twice, and well... yeah, lots of stuff. I've got exams until the 21st, so it's going to end up taking me another month to finish the batch to come. .__."


Request Slots:
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Requesting for a banner/logo/something of the sort to use as a image for when I upload my music compositions to any site. The color scheme used in this image would be almost perfect (maybe a bit more blue like the shade used in my profile).

It should kinda have a mystical theme to it (since most of my compositions end up in that style ^^;). Maybe a faded image in the background of the moon/waterfall/ocean, something like that would be nice too. "J J M" should be centered and the main thing in the logo.

Oh, and take your time with it. No rush. ^^

Thanks again!
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Thanks for the banner. I'll use it as soon holidays will be over. Oh, and you misspelled "fourteen" as "foutreen" on AceTrainer14's banner.

I want a banner that has the artwork of shiny Charizard and Shiny Rayquaza and Zekrom. I want to have a red firery background and at the bottom in a white cool looking text it to say "Fear the Black Dragons". Thanks in advance!
Oh, if it's not too much to ask, can you remove the text on my banner? I think it would look better without it.
I would like a banner, of Nirvana, to match my avatar; I'll edit in the picture, once I find what I want (I just wanted to leave my request, before the slots were full).

Here's the picture that I want to be turned into a banner: http://i40.tinypic.com/5n8zdz.jpg
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...late. Very, very late. I took over a month to finish these. You have permission to hate me. I'm not sure how many of you will still want your requests, but here they are anyway. ^^;;









I hope you all can find some use for them. ^^;

Once again, I'm sorry this took so incredibly long. I've been super busy what with real life, school, my computer breaking twice, and well... yeah, lots of stuff. I've got exams until the 21st, so it's going to end up taking me another month to finish the batch to come. .__."


Request Slots:
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Thanks for the banner.​
Hey Blazaking, mind doing a signature for me? Not rally a signature, a Banner.

I want Mt. Coronet as the background, if possible, make Arceus fading into the center. On one side, Silver, with a Garchomp behind him, and on the other side, Manga Red, with a Charizard behind him.

Text: Pokemon: Origins

I am posting this request somewhere else too, which one i like the best i will choose it. Thanks. :)
Thank you very much for another amazing banner :D Only one more KvG left, and I hope I will be able to get in next time :D

Just quickly: would you please be able to fix the spelling error if its not too much hassle?
After seeing your banners, I nearly hypervenilated and rolled around on the floor having siezures. I NEED ONE! XD

So, may I have a banner with a purple-to-black background and glitter? Also, put Ralts and Snivy (don't care what art). Oh, and the text says can say "The Party Don't Stop Till I Walk In." Thanks!

Requesting for a banner/logo/something of the sort to use as a image for when I upload my music compositions to any site. The color scheme used in this image would be almost perfect (maybe a bit more blue like the shade used in my profile).

It should kinda have a mystical theme to it (since most of my compositions end up in that style ^^;). Maybe a faded image in the background of the moon/waterfall/ocean, something like that would be nice too. "J J M" should be centered and the main thing in the logo.

Oh, and take your time with it. No rush. ^^

Thanks again!
I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the banner. I'll use it as soon holidays will be over. Oh, and you misspelled "fourteen" as "foutreen" on AceTrainer14's banner.
Oh, if it's not too much to ask, can you remove the text on my banner? I think it would look better without it.
If you say so:



I want a banner that has the artwork of shiny Charizard and Shiny Rayquaza and Zekrom. I want to have a red firery background and at the bottom in a white cool looking text it to say "Fear the Black Dragons". Thanks in advance!
Sure thing!

I would like a banner, of Nirvana, to match my avatar; I'll edit in the picture, once I find what I want (I just wanted to leave my request, before the slots were full).

Here's the picture that I want to be turned into a banner: http://i40.tinypic.com/5n8zdz.jpg
Sure thing!

Thanks for the banner.​
No problem!

Hey Blazaking, mind doing a signature for me? Not really a signature, a Banner.

I want Mt. Coronet as the background, if possible, make Arceus fading into the center. On one side, Silver, with a Garchomp behind him, and on the other side, Manga Red, with a Charizard behind him.

Text: Pokemon: Origins

I am posting this request somewhere else too, which one i like the best i will choose it. Thanks. :)
Sure thing!

Thank you very much for another amazing banner :D Only one more KvG left, and I hope I will be able to get in next time :D

Just quickly: would you please be able to fix the spelling error if its not too much hassle?
Haha, wow, how long have I been making these? xD



After seeing your banners, I nearly hypervenilated and rolled around on the floor having seizures. I NEED ONE! XD

So, may I have a banner with a purple-to-black background and glitter? Also, put Ralts and Snivy (don't care what art). Oh, and the text says can say "The Party Don't Stop Till I Walk In." Thanks!

Sure thing!


Request Slots: Full
  1. J J M
  2. The Spaceking
  3. Mr. Moustache
  4. Shadow Raikou
  5. Till I Walk In
@Blazaking EX: If you can, please send me a message, letting me know when my request has been completed; I wanted to mention that to you yesterday, but I forgot.
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